Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Dakwah gaya PAS

Ketika ini PAS sedang mempersiapkan diri untuk berhadapan satu lagi 'perang' pilihanraya yang akan menentukan kawasan jajahan.Atau boleh juga kita sebut sebagai usaha memperluaskan empayar Islam di bumi Malaysia.Adapun kerajaan yang memerintah ketika ini telah dilabel sebagai tidak begitu memperjuangkan ketuanan Islam malah sering dibuktikan sikap yang suka berdolak dalik apabila berhadapan dengan isu yang melibatkan kepentingan Islam.

Justeru itu PAS bangun 'berijtihad' untuk memperbetulkan keadaan melalui saluran 'demokrasi' untuk menguasai urusan pemerintahan negara dengan cara yang telah terbukti adil dan selamat iaitu Islam.Ijtihad sebagaimana ianya,samada salah atau betul tetap akan membawa pahala kepada muslim yang berijtihad.

Walaupun berhadapan dengan kritikan tentang ijtihad PAS itu,mereka tetap memilih jalan demokrasi sebagai salah satu wadah dalam perjuangan.Sekalipun mereka sebenarnya amat menyedari akan kelemahan sistem demokrasi,mereka seolah olah tiada pilihan dalam mengangkat roh perjuangan yang diyakini sepanjang proses pemahaman mereka terhadap Islam.

Tsunami 2008 telah banyak mengubah lenskap politik negara,yang mana kedapatan beberapa negeri telah jatuh di bawah pemerintahan kerajaan PR,kerajaan yang telah menggabungkan antara tiga parti PAS,KEADILAN dan DAP.Malah PAS itu sendiri telah lama menguasai Kelantan seterusnya yang terbaru Kedah dan Perak.Sekalipun Perak bukanlah negeri yang dikuasai sepenuhnya oleh PAS tetapi PAS berpeluang untuk menjadi ketua kerajaan oleh sifat melayunya yang sering menjadi pilihan utama kepada Sultan,kuasa tertinggi bagi sesetengah negeri melalui perlembagaan.

Justeru melalui KUASA itu bagaimana PAS telah BERTINDAK...?Sebagai seorang MUSLIM dan juga ahli PAS saya sentiasa dituntut untuk bermuhasabah.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Muslim Selatan Fhilipina

Di samping mengajar saya juga berniaga secara kecil kecilan di Bukit Bintang.Sebelum saya sampai ke tahap mengajar secara sepenuh masa saya harus memastikan urusan kewangan saya berjalan secara lancar melalui perniagaan sebagaimana sunnah Rasulullah SAW.

Rakan niaga saya adalah orang Sabah yang saya kenal melalui ceritanya adalah berasal dari Selatan Fhilipina.Mungkin mereka ini adalah antara hasil dari 'projek IC' yang gempar suatu ketika dulu.Ramai dari golongan itu yang datang ke semenanjung ini untuk mencari peluang pekerjaan khususnya di sekitar Bukit Bintang.

Mereka mempunyai IC tetapi apabila berlakunya operasi dari pihak imigresen kadang kala mereka ini 'sangkut' juga dan terpaksa dihantar pulang ke lokasi yang saya tidak begitu pasti.Yang pasti IC mereka itu tidak tuntas.Kadang kadang saya curiga juga dengan kehadiran mereka di sekeliling, tetapi memandangkan mereka itu muslim jadi perasaan curiga itu terpaksa saya lupakan sahaja.

Pada permulaan saya mengenali mereka di Bukit Bintang,saya tidak pernah terfikir mereka ini datang dari sana.Setelah agak lama saya baru terperasan bahawa mereka ini mempunyai loghat yang agak lain berbanding Sabah biasa.Tambahan pula hanya puak puak mereka itu yang menguasai sektor pekerjaan di situ.Sesekali saya terserempak mereka juga mampu berbahasa Tagalog apabila melayan pelanggan yang datang dari Fhilipina.

Untuk dijadikan cerita,Rakan saya itu mempunyai seorang abang yang sudah berkahwin.Mempunyai empat anak dan seorang ada bersama mereka.Manakala tiga lagi berada di kampung.Isterinya juga bekerja di sekitar Bukit Bintang.Sekali sekala saya lihat mereka ini seperti pasangan bahagia.Sekali sekala juga sampai ke telinga saya bahawa mereka ini sudah acapkali bergaduh di khlayak ramai.

Rakan saya itu sering menjadi orang tengah samada meleraikan atau memotivasikan mereka.Sampai satu tahap beberapa minggu yang lalu mereka bergaduh lagi hingga membawa kepada perceraian yang bukan sahaja satu atau dua bahkan lebih tragis lagi adalah talak tiga.Hari ini saya mendapat berita dari rakan saya itu mengatakan mereka kini telah bersatu kembali duduk sebumbung seperti hidup suami-isteri seperti biasa.Dalam hati saya berkata, "alangkah mudahnya hidup mereka".

Pekerja rakan saya adalah seorang perempuan juga dari 'sana'.Beliau mempunyai seorang sepupu perempuan yang turut bekerja di sekitar Bukit Bintang.Arakian cerita sepupunya itu telah berkahwin dengan seorang warga tempatan yang berbangsa cina(mungkin bekas bosnya)dan memiliki seorang anak.Lebih malang ialah perempuan itu dengan mudah mengadaikan agamanya untuk menikmati kehidupan bersama lelaki berbangsa cina itu.Mengikut ceritanya beliau dikatakan telah memeluk Kristian ekoran mahu berkahwin dengan lelaki itu.Saya cuma kurang pasti mahkamah manakah yang telah membenarkan mereka untuk berbuat begitu.

Sekali lagi hati saya berbisik,"inilah hakikat kehidupan di Malaysia ini".Setakat mana kita mampu untuk bertindak..?

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What Customer Want

What Customers Want?Let's take a look at what all customers want and how you can make sure you're the one giving it to them...It doesn't matter what the product or service is, as consumers we all want the same thing.

We want to feel like we made the right decision about what we bought. We want to feel like we bought the right product, at the right price, at the right terms, from the right business.So, how do buyers know they have made the right decision?

By being informed consumers of course! And today, it's pretty easy for consumers to be informed if they want to look. Just about anything you want to know can be found by reading the right magazines, talking to the right people or by browsing the internet. It's a pretty good bet that if you want to spend the time looking, you will find more information than you can practically deal with, on any subject that you care to think about. But all this available information can often be overwhelming.

You may be wondering how all this helps us as business owners sell more products.If your business is the one who provides the information (education) to the buyer, helping them become better informed and making it easy at the same time, you'll gain their respect and their trust. This will lead to an increased share of business.In your marketing you should be providing key decision making information about your product and your company so that consumers don't have to go elsewhere to find it.

If they go elsewhere to become informed, they likely go elsewhere to buy. So you want to make it as easy as possible for your prospects to become informed!What are the differentiators that you have to offer? What are the pitfalls of buying your product or service, what are the tips that will help consumers get the best out of their purchase?Several things happen when you do this. First of all, you instantly become the expert.

Whenever we see articles, presentations or reports about anything, we automatically assume that the person providing the information is an expert until proven differently. So by providing expert information, you can gain instant credibility with your target market.Secondly, you are making it easier for your customers to buy. This is a key ingredient to making them want to buy from you! By giving them all the information they require to feel good about their purchasing decision, they will tend to want to continue dealing with you.

Another key advantage of providing consumers the education they need to buy your product or service is that you begin a relationship with them much earlier in the sales cycle than if you are simply providing a product when they are ready to buy.Let's say you provide a short ad in the paper offering a free report on why it is important to regularly have your furnace serviced and the trouble one can avoid through regular maintenance.

Now, I as a home owner may not be ready to buy your service, but I may be interested enough to order your report because I think I should be informed on this issue. I get the report and learn some interesting facts, making a mental note to get my furnace serviced before the winter arrives.Some months later, when the winter is approaching I decide to get the service performed.

Who do you think I call? I will obviously call you, because you are the person who made the effort to educate me. You caught my attention before I was ready to buy, and when I was ready to go, you were the one I thought of and spent my money with.There are many ways to provide valuable information to your target market to help them move along the buying cycle.Look for our next article in this series for thoughts on how to develop your relationship with suspects and prospects. In doing so, you'll convert more of them to customers.You may want to let customers know that the product is just about to come off warranty and offer to check the product for them.

At this point of contact it may be an opportunity to offer some type of special up selling offer for an extended warranty or maintenance agreement - an added value in your customer servicing.Deliver your product with an unexpected gift or do something that is completely unexpected by the customer. This is the most fun and can be the most effective in customer service. Give people the unexpected and they will be pleasantly surprised. It doesn't need to be elaborate - it is the unexpected that will create the positive relationship benefit.

A great book to read about the impact of customer service is "What Clients Love - A Field Guide to Growing Your Business" by Harry Beckwith. It is a book about taking customer servicing to another level and it provides great insight into what customers experience and expect, and what to do about it. It also indicates that you need to keep innovating as customers will always expect you to get better.Make sure you identify your "moments of truth" in customer service. What are the times when it really counts to impress with your customer service? Every time you meet or have contact!

Have Fun with the new knowledge!
Coach Fadzil

The Wealth Within Your Business

What is the real capital, what do you value the most within your business? Your stock? Your clients? Your systems? Your database? Or..... Your Team? If you want to build a business that works without you, you need to build a motivated and loyal team around you.

The TOP 5 things companies can do to help their employees stay committed and motivated are [in order of preference]:
1. being treated with respect;
2. achieving work-life balance;
3. providing a quality service to customers;
4. working with quality co-workers, and;
5. the type of work performed. Base pay was the 6th most important item.

Respect -noun esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person, a personal quality or ability, or something considered as a manifestation of a personal quality or ability Food for thought: How much respect are you showing your employees? Take the time to watch is a terrific short movie called Validation I found on YouTube. A must watch for all managers. If you are really time challenged, watch at least the first four minutes - there are some great leadership lessons here.

How to apply this? Remember to catch your employees doing things right. Put in place some recognition for your employees - awards, rewards and more. One of my clients awards the team member of the month a reserved car parking space and gift voucher.

Another has a team player award where the last winner decides who the next winner will be and they get the trophy for the month plus a gift card. Find some time to make your workplace a fun place to work. And lastly, remember to smile and the world will smile right back at you.

Arif Shah pertimbang tawaran PKR..?

Oleh Darwis Said

AHLI Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Seberang Jaya di Pulau Pinang, Datuk Arif Shah Omar Shah, semalam menyifatkan kenyataan Ketua Umno Bahagian Permatang Pauh, Datuk Abdul Jalil Abdul Majid, kepada akhbar di Malaysia mengenai dirinya sebagai satu pembohongan.
'Satu, dia bohong, saya akan buat saya punya PC (sidang akhbar) mungkin dua tiga hari lagi. Nombor dua, dia tak ada keikhlasan untuk berjuang.

'Kalau dia ada keikhlasan berjuang, apabila Keadilan (Parti Keadilan Rakyat) memberikan tawaran kepada saya dia orang patut datang memujuk saya mengukuhkan parti bukan menghambat saya keluar,' kata Datuk Arif Shah semasa dihubungi semalam.
Dalam satu laporan akhbar Utusan Malaysia semalam, Datuk Abdul Jalil telah menyelar sikap Datuk Arif Shah yang menjadikan beliau sebagai 'kambing hitam' untuk mendapat jawatan dalam politik.

'Sikapnya membuat ahli Umno mengatakan ada pergolakan dalaman Umno bahagian sedangkan tiada sebarang masalah berlaku, yang bermasalah sekarang adalah beliau sendiri.
Beliau gagal untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan kepimpinan Umno bahagian yang baru selepas tewas dalam perebutan pucuk tertinggi bahagian baru-baru ini,' katanya dalam laporan akhbar itu.

Mengulas, Datuk Arif Shah berkata beliau menerima kekalahannya dalam pemilihan kepimpinan Umno Permatang Pauh tetapi mempersoalkan motif Datuk Abdul Jalil yang enggan membenarkan beliau menghadiri mesyuarat parti dan mendapat akses langsung kepada pemimpin parti bagi tujuan menjalankan kewajipannya sebagai Adun Seberang Jaya.
'Tetapi, walau apa sekalipun, dalam hati kecil ini, saya hanya berharap janganlah ganggu saya. Biar saya buat kerja saya, dia buat kerja dia,' katanya.

'Saya bermain politik masyarakat, dia bermain politik perwakilan - maknanya, dia hanya menjaga ehwal beberapa pemimpin cawangan dan mereka yang boleh mengundi - dia bermain politik kecil seperti itu. Bukan saya.

Saya bermain politik masyarakat, saya harus menjaga setiap masyarakat tidak kira apa saja bangsanya - Cina, Melayu, India, yang tua dan yang muda,' jelas Datuk Arif Shah.
Datuk Abdul Jalil juga menyifatkan isu 'surat larangan' yang ditimbulkan Datuk Arif Shah, yang dikatakan beliau telah melarangnya daripada menjalankan pelbagai aktiviti kemasyarakatan sebagai Adun, sebagai dakwaan palsu dan tidak benar.

'Umno bahagian hendak sangat tengok surat tu jika betul apa yang didakwa. Masalahnya dia tidak pernah tunjuk pun kepada saya,' katanya kepada Utusan Malaysia.
Menjawab, Datuk Arif Shah berkata beliau sedia menunjukkan surat asal yang ditandatangani sendiri oleh Datuk Abdul Jalil itu. Datuk Arif Shah juga sedang menimbangkan tawaran menyertai PKR.

Sementara itu Bernama melaporkan Penasihat Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim menafikan parti itu menawarkan jawatan Timbalan Ketua Menteri 1 Pulau Pinang kepada Anggota Dewan Undangan Negeri Seberang Jaya Datuk Arif Shah Omar Shah sebagai balasan jika Arif Shah menyertai Pakatan Rakyat (PR).Sambil menyambut baik jika Arif Shah bersetuju menyertai PR, Anwar berkata sebenarnya jawatan yang dikatakan ditawarkan itu sudah pun diisi."Saya rasa kita harus berlaku adil kepada Arif Shah, dia tidak menuntut sesuatu yang kita fikir tidak munasabah, tidak menyebut tentang jawatan timbalan ketua menteri dan kita pun tidak berbincang mengenainya, ini hanya desas-desus.

"Kita memang sedia menerima beliau sebagai tokoh politik dan Anggota Dewan Undangan Negeri Seberang Jaya...belum ada keputusan rasmi cuma perbincangan dengan wakil parti dan saya dimaklumkan tidak ada keputusan muktamad," katanya kepada pemberita pada sidang media di lobi Parlimen di sini, Selasa.

Sementara itu ketika ditanya berhubung isu Timbalan Ketua Menteri 1 Pulau Pinang Mohamad Fairuz Khairuddin yang didakwa tidak menunjukkan prestasi kerja yang baik, Anwar berkata semua pemimpin dalam PKR dinilai prestasi kerja mereka."PKR sentiasa membuat penilaian prestasi pemimpin-pemimpin kita, saya ada menerima teguran, Tian Chua (Ketua Penerangan PKR) juga ada menerima teguran dan Fairuz juga terima teguran.

"Teguran telah diberi, penilaian dah dibuat, tidak benar menyatakan penilaian itu untuk Fairuz seorang kerana penilaian itu adalah untuk semua dan kita minta semua teguran dan kelemahan diperbaiki," katanya.

/ KLpos, Bernama, BHS

In enemy ground,Khairy tries rebranding


When Khairy Jamaluddin goes into enemy territory on Saturday to match wits with Pas' rising star Husam Musa, he will be looking to score more than just a few political points.
A rank outsider in the battle to win the top position in Umno Youth in March, he will be trying to use this platform to raise his profile and send a message to Umno Youth members that in him, they have a politician who will not be afraid to confront the enemy face to face in an unfriendly setting and debate on a range of issues.

The forum “Transformation of Politics in Malaysia” is organised by Kelantan Pas and will involve discussions on the transition of power and issues related to the Federal Constitution. Besides Husam and Khairy, Professor Dr Abdul Aziz Bari and Associate Professor Dr Mohammad Agus Yusoff have also been invited for the session in Kota Baru.

Khairy has been going against the tide in his bid to become the Umno Youth chief since he announced his candidacy several months ago. The son-in-law of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, he has been hit by the perception that he will not be able to deliver the goods to party members and will not have influence once the transition of power takes place.

The current No. 2 in the Youth wing managed to snare 52 nominations, coming in third behind Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir (75) and Datuk Mohd Khir Toyo (62).
Anecdotal evidence suggests that Khir has emerged as the frontrunner in the last few weeks with his door-to-door campaigning and reach.

Mukhriz has also earned the plaudits of his party men for suggesting that Tamil and Chinese schools be integrated under the umbrella of the national school system for the sake of national unity. This controversial proposal has created outrage among non-Malay politicians, with MIC and MCA urging that disciplinary action be taken against the son of Malaysia's fourth prime minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

But within Umno Youth, Mukhriz is a hero of sorts. The reason: he dared to make public what many Umno politicians have been talking about behind closed doors. His refusal to back down also went down well with Umno politicians who feel that the non-Malays have been become too vocal and demanding since March 8.

Saturday will be Khairy's turn to audition for support from party delegates. He and Husam have clashed publicly over a range of issues over the past few years. Ironically, both of them have felt the sting of criticism from within their own parties for the same reason.

Pas politicians and members have complained that Husam's political rise owes much to the support of the party's spiritual leader Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat while some Umno members believe that Khairy would not have shot up the political ladder so fast if not for Abdullah.
Since of late, Khairy has been trying to persuade Malaysians and party members that he is a politician of substance; someone who cares not only about Malays but Malaysians; someone who has the common touch as well as the intellectual prowess.

In an interview with The Star, he said: "I would like to see Pemuda Umno becoming a truly national movement. Of course the first agenda will always be the Malay agenda. There is no running away from that. But we need to go beyond that and have a broader and inclusive outlook. Pemuda Umno must be representative of Malaysia and the Malaysian view. We need to be able to pull not only people who are on the fence, but also those in the Opposition. We are not doing that now. We are too close-minded, narrow and too elitist.''

The rebranding of Khairy Jamaluddin will continue on Saturday.

Syukur-Adaptasi diri

SYUKUR merupakan sifat mulia yang dikaitkan dengan amalan hati dan akhlak terpuji yang sepatutnya sentiasa menghiasi kehidupan. Syukur sebagai satu sifat yang dilahirkan daripada respons terhadap nikmat yang dikurniakan Allah.

'Ingatlah kepada ku (Allah) nescaya aku ingat kepada mu. Dan hendaklah kamu bersyukur kepada ku dan janganlah kamu lupakan budi ku'- surah al-Baqarah: 152. Orang yang sentiasa bersyukur adalah orang yang sentiasa menyemai sifat manusiawi dalam erti kata sentiasa bertimbang rasa, tahu menerima kasih sayang Allah.

Syukur terhadap nikmat Allah datang daripada pelbagai bentuk. Syukur terhadap kurniaan Allah atas anugerah kesempurnaan fizikal atau jasmaniah (anggota tubuh badan). Firman Allah: 'Dan Allah telah mengeluarkan kamu dari perut ibu mu tanpa mengetahui sesuatu. Kemudian diberikannya kamu pendengaran, penglihatan dan hati semoga kamu bersyukur' -
surah al-Nahl: 78.

Syukur juga merangkumi kurniaan terhadap rezeki kurniaan Allah. Firman Allah: 'Dan sebagai bukti untuk mereka ialah bumi yang mati (kering), kami hidupkan dan kami keluarkan dari dalamnya biji-bijian, lalu mereka makan daripadanya.

'Dan kami jadikan daripadanya beberapa kebun dari kurma dan anggur dan kami pancarkan padanya mata air agar mereka makan dari buah-buahan dan dari apa yang dikerjakan oleh tangan-tangan mereka. Tidakkah mereka bersyukur'. Tegas Allah lagi dalam surah al-Nahl ayat 18 yang bermaksud: 'Dan kalau mahu menghitung nikmat Allah, nescaya tidaklah kamu menghitung (seluruhnya) dan sesungguhnya Allah Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang'.

Rasulullah sentiasa menjadikan amalan bersyukur dalam kehidupan Baginda. Dalam sebuah hadis riwayat Abu Daud menjelaskan bahawa 'Adalah Nabi apabila mendapat khabar yang menyenangkan hati, lantas beliau sujud kepada Allah'.

Sementara dalam hadis yang lain menyatakan 'Dari Abu Bakrah, bahawa Nabi Muhammad apabila mendapat sesuatu yang menggembirakan atau khabar gembira, segera beliau tunduk bersujud sebagai tanda syukur kepada Allah'- Hadis riwayat Abu Daud, Ibnu Majah dan Tirmizi. Al-Baihaqi meriwayatkan: Rasulullah lakukan sujud syukur bila menerima surat daripada Ali ketika menceritakan tentang ramai penduduk Yaman memeluk agama Islam.

Syukur boleh dicernakan dalam pelbagai bentuk sama ada melalui perbuatan, melalui hati dan melalui lisan. Syukur melalui perbuatan merangkumi membelanjakan harta ke jalan kebajikan seperti sedekah dan amalan jariah. Melalui ilmu yang diperoleh dan disebar serta diajar kepada orang lain.

Melalui kuasa, pangkat dan kedudukan pula dengan memberi khidmat yang terbaik. Syukur melalui hati pula adalah dengan cara mengakui dan menyedari dalam hati apa yang diperoleh daripada anugerah Allah.

Firman Allah: 'Tuhan mu lebih tahu apa yang ada dalam jiwa, jika kamu orang yang baik. Sesungguhnya dia Pengampun bagi orang yang bertaubat' - surah al-Isra'-25. Syukur dalam bentuk lisan adalah melalui ucapan seperti sentiasa melafazkan zikir seperti ucapan seperti Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah dan Allahuakhbar.

Oleh itu, cernakan selalu budaya syukur dalam kehidupan kita, ingatlah bahawa apa yang kita peroleh hanya sementara dan sebagai ujian untuk melihat sejauh manakah kita dapat menzahirkan rasa ketakwaan yang tinggi terhadap Allah.

'Top 3' taruhan PAS

Oleh Mohd Sayuti Omar

Kalau BN ada tiga hingga lima calon untuk diletakkan bertanding dalam pilihan raya kecil Kuala Terengganu pada 6 Januari depan, Pas pula ada tiga calon yang menjadi sebutan dan sandaran untuk merampas kerusi berkenaan. Di sini saya tidak bercadang untuk mengulas dan menganalisa calon-calon BN, dan hanya akan menyorot calon-calon Pas sahaja.

Tiga nama disebut-sebut akan diletakkan oleh Pas, ialah Naib Presiden, Mohamad Sabu yang juga calon Pas di kerusi berkenaan dalam pilihan raya umum lalu, Pesuruhjaya Pas Terengganu, Mustafa Ali dan seorang ahli perniagaan Prof Khazani Abdullah.
Ketiga calon ini realtifnya berbeza antara satu sama lain.

Mohamad Sabu dikenali sebagai pekerja parti yang lantang dan rajin di dalam Pas. Pekerja yang pandai mengulas isu dan membuat humor ketika bersyarah. Beliau juga menjadi daya penarik kepada majlis ceramah Pas.Kerana kehebatan itu beliau saya sifatkan sebagai calon berlabel nasional. Mustafa Ali pula pemimpin veteran dalam Pas yang berpengalaman. Saya namakan sebagai pekerja lama parti. Manakala Khazani tokoh muda Pas yang masih belum dikenali calon amatur dan harapan masa depan. Pekerja baru parti.

Walaupun Pas Terengganu tidak ‘kasik’ calon dan masih ada serangkaian calon lain, seperti Wan Mutalib Embong, Abu Bakar Chik dan lain-lain, tetapi itulah tiga nama yang dikira akan disenaraipendekkan oleh Pas Terengganu untuk dipertimbangkan dan diputuskan oleh Pas Pusat dan Majlis Syura Ulama.Rasanya elok juga untuk melihat populariti calon-calon berkenaan berdasarkan poll yang dibuat oleh beberapa portal berita dan juga blog persendirian termasuk blog saya.

Perbandingan ini hanya tertumpukan kepada dua nama saja, Mohamad Sabu dan Mustafa Ali kerana Khazani tidak disenaraikan dalam mana-mana poll.Ada empat orang nama yang disenaraikan dalam poll berkenaan, iaitu Mohamad Sabu, Mustafa Ali, Wan Mutalib Embong dan Syed Azman Syed Ahmad. Jelas sekali dari segi popular menurut poll-poll itu, Mohamad Sabu menjadi pilihan utama berbanding dengan Mustafa Ali.

Misalnya poll yang dibuat oleh KL.Pos yang dikutip jam 11:00 pagi ini (11 Disember 2008) Mohamad Sabu mendapat sokongan sebanyak 89%, Mustafa 4% dan Wan Mutalib sebanyak 7%.Manakala poll dari blog pinkturtle pula yang dikutip pada waktu sama daripada 430 pengundi, sebanyak 68% atau 291 undian diberikan kepada Mohamad Sabu, Syed Azman 27% atau 115 undian, Wan Mutalib dan Mustafa masing-masing 3% atau kira-kira 11-13 undi saja.

Poll dari blog saya pula yang dikutip pada masa sama, daripada 216 pengundi Mohamad Sabu menerima 122 undian atau 56%, Syed Azman 43 undi atau 19%, Wan Mutalib menerima 6 undi atau 2% dan Mustafa menerima 21 undi atau 9%. Saya turut meletakkan pilihan ‘calon-calon lain’ yang menerima 24 undi atau 11%.Saya mengagakkan mereka yang membuat pengundian menerusi poll dalam ketiga blog berkenaan adalah hampir 90 % orang yang sama dan kebanyakan mereka adalah pelayar dari luar Kuala Terengganu.

Jelas dari poll itu Mohamad Sabu menjadi calon popular dengan mengatasi calon-calon lain dari ketiga poll berkenaan.Ada beberapa sebab kenapa Mohammad Sabu popular, antaranya kerana nama beliau sudah disebut awal-awal oleh Mursyidul Am Pas, Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat yang mahukan Mohamad Sabu diberikan peluang bertanding sekali lagi. Sedikit sebanyak pandangan Nik Aziz itu mempengaruhi pengundi terutamanya pengundi yang taksub dengan cara politik beliau (Nik Aziz).

Selain itu ialah kerana Mohamad Sabu dilihat popular berbanding dengan nama-nama lain di kalangan masyarakat bawahan dan mereka yang meminati politik berbentuk ceramah.Persoalannya kini apakah Pas Terengganu akan mengambil kira trend yang ditunjukkan oleh poll berkenaan ataupun suara pemerhati dan peminat politik Pas di luar Terengganu itu? Kalau Pas memperlakukan ini sudah tentu Mohamad Sabu adalah calon paling layak.

Sebaliknya sekiranya Pas Terengganu ada kriteria dan indikatornya sendiri, populariti berdasarkan poll dan ukuran orang awam itu tidak akan diterima pakai dan memungkinkan Mohamad Sabu tidak akan diturunkan semula.Dalam pilihan raya kecil Parlimen Kuala Terengganu ini apa yang paling diutamakan kemenangan. Pas perlu menang untuk membuktikan bahawa pengaruh Pas masih kuat di negeri itu. Kemenangan itu juga akan menjadi petunjuk untuk masa depan Pas – pada pilihan raya umum ke-13 nanti.

Manakala dalam konteks Pakatan Rakyat pula kemenangan itu sangat penting bagi meyakinkan rakyat untuk meneruskan projek terbengkalai untuk menumbangkan kerajaan BN yang diilhamkan oleh Anwar Ibrahim.Justeru calon yang dianggap benar-benar mampu memberi kemenangan akan dipilih dan diberikan keutamaan.

Seperti disebutkan tadi nama Khazani tidak dimasukkan ke dalam poll. Jadi beliau tidak mendapat petunjuk apakah beliau mampu atau tidak. Namun Dewan Pemuda Pas Terengganu beriya mahu menonjolkan Khazani sebagai calon dalam pilihan raya berkenaan sambil menafikan yang Pas Terengganu kekurangan calon tempatan.Berdasarkan latar belakang pendidikan akademi Khazani yang luas dan cemerlang itu beliau berkelayakan. Tetapi bila diukur kepada pengalaman dan penglibatan dalam politik ia masih mentah dan muda.

Mari kita tinjau satu persatu potensi yang ada kepada ketiga calon berkenaan.

Mohamad Sabu –
memang beliau orang luar dan pertama kali bertanding di Kuala Terengganu. Beliau pernah menang di luar negerinya, iaitu di Kelantan selama dua penggal. Mohamad Sabu adalah tokoh yang tersendiri dalam Pas dengan anutan, fahaman dan aliran pemikiran sendiri. Beliau dilihat seorang pejuang Islam yang percaya kepada kekuatan semangat, iltizam yang ampuh dan bukan bersujud kepada kebendaan.

Mohamad Sabu bukan seorang pengamal politik kebendaan. Kehidupannya sendiri sedarhana. Kepercayaan dan dasar politiknya, Hadith dan Quran. Beliau seorang yang tertarik dengan pendekatan Islam secara jema’i.Dari segi dakwah menerusi ceramah memang ada kepada beliau. Mohamad Sabu juga mempunyai semangat perjuangan yang kental dan tidak cair dengan ugutan. Pendeknya Mohamad Sabu seorang pejuang Islam tulen dalam Pas dan sudah teruji keimanannya.

Bagaimana pun statusnya sebagai orang luar memberi sedikit masalah kepadanya. Pilihan raya kecil menyebabkan pengundi akan melihat kepada isu-isu local dan dalam hal ini sebagai orang luar beliau tidak mempunyai kelebihan berbanding dengan calon setempat. Apa lagi pengundi di Kuala Terengganu itu sendiri kuat semangat kedaerahannya dan melihat calon yang ada pertalian persaudaraan dengan mereka.

Mustafa Ali –
Adalah tokoh veteran Pas Terengganu yang banyak pengalaman. Beliau sudah tidak popular dan sedang menghadapi kesuraman cahaya politiknya. Di luar Terengganu beliau sudah ditolak dengan politiknya yang kurang tegas dan play save. Kelebihan yang ada kepadanya ialah beliau calon tempatan. Mustafa mempunyai banyak pertalian persaudaraan dengan pengundi di Kuala Terengganu.

Khazani Abdullah –
Beliau tokoh muda yang belum dikenali. Dalam erti kata lain beliau tidak mempunyai apa-apa aset semasa melainkan mempunyai latar belakang pendidikan dan kerjaya yang baik.Berdasarkan kepada huraian dan dapatan itu Pas kini hanya mempunyai dua calon sahaja iaitu Mohamad Sabu dan Mustafa Ali. Sekiranya pengundi Terengganu masih berpegang kepada tradisi dan politik 'semangkuk' (tempatan) maka Mustafa Ali lah calonnya.

Kesimpulannya bagi saya sebelum Pas memutuskan calon, Pas harus melihat apakah yang diharapkan daripada kemenangan pilihan raya kecil kecil itu. Sekiranya Pas mahu menjadikan kemenangan itu sebagai modal meneruskan projek terbengkalai 16 September, Pas harus memilih calon yang boleh menyambungkan projek berkenaan. Sebaliknya jika Pas merasakan projek itu perlu terbengkalai maka Pas boleh memilih calon yang hanya membawa kemenangan tetapi tidak akan merubah suasana politik nasional.

* Penulis dilahirkan di Kampung Gual Nibong, Gual Periok, Pasir Mas Kelantan pada Feb, 1960. Mendapat pendidikan dan pengalaman kewartawanan di Indonesia awal tahun 1980-an. Berkecimpung dalam dunia kewartawan/penulisan buku politik sejak lebih 20 tahun. Sehingga kini telah menghasilkan lebih 45 buah buku politik semasa. Antara buku yang menjadi sebutan "Anwar Ibrahim: Mimpi dan Realiti, "Sumpah dan Airmata Reformis Bangsa:,"Saya Mahafiraun", "Hitam Putih: Darul Arqam" dan lain-lain. Blog beliau boleh dilayari di msomelayu.blogspot.com - Pengarang

Sibuk berpolitik anak muda terbiar

Oleh kelulut@telokbakong.com

Allah SWT telah sempurnakan kejadian semua makhlukNya.Setiap makhluk dijadikan Nya mengikut fitrah kejadiannya, mempunyai peranan masing - masing didunia ini. Manusia pula mengambil peranan sebagai khalifah diatas muka bumi.Pelbagai nikmat serta sifat kejadian makhluk yang paling sempurna dianugerahi oleh Tuhan semesta alam .

Nikmat usia muda adalah paling manis dalam kehidupan setiap insan. Ketika muda belia tubuh sasa, keinginan pelbagai pelbagai perasaan.Hambatan perasaan yang membara , harapan dan cita - cita yang menggunung, semangat membara rela berkorban walau tanpa dipinta.Sepatutnya dialam usia sebeginilah pemuda diberi perhatian kerana pakej yang ada ketika usia muda amat bermakna kepada agama dan umat.

Sabda baginda Rasullulah: " Rebutlah lima perkara sebelum datang lima perkara: Muda sebelum tua mu, sihat mu sebelum sakitmu,kaya mu sebelum papa mu, hidup mu sebelum mati mu, masa lapang sebelum kamu sibuk ". ( Hadis daripada Ibnu Abbas riwayat Al- Hakim ).

Dalam mengharungi hidup hari ini kita sudah dan sedang menyaksikan muda - mudi Islam hanyut. Anak - anak gadis yang hilang kehormatan , bayi - bayi yang dihumban dijalanan, dan pelbagai adunan masalah yang sukar kita gambarkan. Anak - anak tanpa pedoman daripada ibubapa akan hilang haluan, begitu juga rakyat tanpa tuntunan pemerintah mereka juga akan hanyut dilambung ombak kehidupan.

Tanggungjawab pemerintah terhadap masyarakat adalah merupakan antara satu kewajipan yang berat lagi bahaya .Dimana ia perlu diberi perhatian siang dan malam.Orang yang peka akan melihat dengan penuh teliti bagaimana umat anak - anak muslim kini . Kelihatannya kini anak - anak umat Islam begitu tercalar akibat daripada perbuatan mereka sendiri. Mungkin mudah untuk menuding jari. Ibubapa salahkan guru , pembangkang salahkan kerajaan , kerajaan pula salahkan masyarakat , agamawan salahkan orang awam, orang ramai pula salahkan agamawan . Saling " bangau " mem "bangau "antara satu sama lain . Jadi siapakah sebenarnya yang bersalah ?.

Masalah krisis akhlak tidak mengira batasan .Anak seorang ustaz atau orang awam bukanlah ukuran mutlak.Antara anak ahli masjid atau pun tidak risiko untuk terjebak adalah tidak mustahil. Terkini ancaman arak' thai song ' yang menjadi bahan khayal alternatif bagi golongan pemuda dan remaja .Harganya yang murah sekitar dibawah paras RM 4.00 berlambak dipasaran. Penjualannya semakin meluas tanpa pantauan dan penguatkuasaan. Ini adalah antara contoh dari pelbagai masalah keruntuhan akhlak anak - anak remaja kini.

Rakyat teramai mahukan perubahan .Mereka sudah bosan dengan lontaran masalah yang tidak pernah berkurangan . Apakah kita ketandusan peranan dalam membina atau mencorak persekitaran ? . Negeri - negeri yang yang dikuasai oleh PR perlu lebih menunjukkan teladan kepada BN. Jika selama ini kita berada didalam ' comfort zone ' sebagai pembangkang kini sudah mentadbir negeri . Harapan rakyat mahu melihat dan merasa perbezaan persekitaran yang terjamin dan jauh selamat .

Keadaan pemuda dan pemudi pada hari ini adalah gambaran pemimpin pada masa hadapan.Setuju atau pun tidak kita juga mempunyai ' saham 'nya jika tidak berbuat yang sepatutnya. Setiap kita adalah pemimpin , yang pasti kita akan dipertanggungjawabkan oleh ALLAH atas apa - apa yang kita pimpin. Janganlah fokus kita hanya memenangi pilihanraya .Tugasan yang lain terlalu banyak menanti .Sembang politik sana -sini tidak mencukupi, gerak kerja kemasyarakatan yang amat ditagih .

Masalah ummah dihadapan mata dibiarkan bagai menepis lalat hinggap dihidung.Semut seberang laut dapat dilihat, gajah dihadapan mata tidak nampak. Bangunlah wahai pemimpin negeri,pemimpin parti pemimpin masyarakat , pemimpin keluarga ! ... Hargailah anak - anak bangsamu ....!


Membangun sebuah institusi

Kesedaran tentang sebuah tuntutan membuatkan saya sering berfikir untuk mencari jalan bagaimana merealisasikan azam yang tersemat.Belajar dan menimba ilmu serta cuba untuk menerapkan segalanya dalam kehidupan.Perjalanannya sudah pasti sukar dengan berbagai bentuk dugaan dan mehnah yang harus ditempohi.Kadangkala kuat dan kadangkala jiwa merempuh hari hari yang agak murung dan mendung.

Saya selalu teringat akan pesanan dan tunjuk ajar guru yang sering mewasiatkan,betapa sebuah institusi itu haruslah bermula dari diri sendiri.Sekaligus teringat juga akan pesan yang sama semasa menghadiri kursus GSC sebulan yang lalu.Sekalipun wadahnya berbeza tetapi matlamatnya tetap sama.

Persiapkan diri,tetapkan matlamat dan usahakan pendekatan sehingga segala perancangan tercapai.INGAT...Tiada Lagi ALASAN.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Dakwah bukan untuk si manja

"Perjalanan dakwah yang kita lalui ini bukanlah perjalanan yang banyak ditaburi dengan hamparan permaidani merah dan kesenangan. Ia merupakan perjalanan panjang yang penuh rintangan, mehnah dan tribulasi.

Telah banyak sejarah orang-orang terdahulu yang merasa pahit getirnya perjalanan dakwah ini. Ada yang diseksa, ada yang harus berpisah dengan sanak-saudara, ada pula yang diusir dari kampung halamannya dan berderetan lagi kisah perjuangan manusia lain yang telah mengukir bakti dari pengorbanannya dalam jalan dakwah ini. Mereka telah merasakan dan sekaligus membuktikan cinta dan kesetiaan terhadap jalan dakwah yang suci ini.

Cuba kita renungkan kisah peperangan Dzatur Riqa’ yang dialami oleh sahabat Abu Musa Al Asy’ari dan para sahabat lainnya. Mereka telah merasakannya hingga kaki-kaki mereka robek dan kuku tercungkil. Namun mereka tetap mengharungi perjalanan itu tanpa mengeluh sedikitpun. Bahkan, mereka malu untuk menceritakannya kerana keikhlasan mereka dalam perjuangan.

Keikhlasan membuatkan mereka gigih dalam pengorbanan dan menjadi tinta emas sejarah umat dakwah ini. Buat selamanya…Pengorbanan yang telah mereka berikan dalam perjalanan dakwah ini menjadi suri teladan bagi kita sekalian. Kerana sumbangan yang telah mereka berikan, dakwah ini tumbuh bersemi dan kita pun dapat menikmati hasilnya dengan gemilang.

Kawasan Islam telah tersebar ke seluruh pelusuk dunia dan umat Islam telah mengembangkan populasi dalam jumlah besar. Semua itu kurnia yang Allah swt. berikan melalui kesungguhan dan kesetiaan para as-Sabiqun al-Awwalun dalam medan dakwah ini. Semoga Allah meredhai mereka. Renungkanlah pengalaman mereka sebagaimana yang difirmankan Allah dalam surat At-Taubah: 42

.لَوْ كَانَ عَرَضاً قَرِيباً وَسَفَراً قَاصِداً لاَّتَّبَعُوكَ وَلَـكِن بَعُدَتْ عَلَيْهِمُ الشُّقَّةُ وَسَيَحْلِفُونَ بِاللّهِ لَوِ اسْتَطَعْنَا لَخَرَجْنَا مَعَكُمْ يُهْلِكُونَ أَنفُسَهُمْ وَاللّهُ يَعْلَمُ إِنَّهُمْ لَكَاذِبُونَ (التوبة : 42

"Kalaulah apa yang engkau serukan kepada mereka (wahai Muhammad) sesuatu yang berfaedah yang mudah didapati, dan satu perjalanan yang sederhana (tidak begitu jauh), nescaya mereka (yang munafik itu) akan mengikutmu; tetapi tempat yang hendak dituju itu adalah jauh bagi mereka. dan mereka akan bersumpah Dengan nama Allah dengan berkata: “Kalau kami sanggup, tentulah kami akan pergi bersama kamu”. (Dengan sumpah dusta itu) mereka membinasakan diri mereka sendiri, sedang Allah mengetahui bahawa sesungguhnya mereka itu orang-orang yang berdusta (tentang tidak sanggupnya mengikutmu).”

Mereka juga telah melihat pengajaran daripada orang yang dapat bertahan dalam mengharungi perjalanan yang berat itu, hanya kesetiaanlah yang dapat mengukuhkan perjalanan dakwah ini. Kesetiaan yang menjadikan pemiliknya sabar dalam menghadapi cubaan dan pancaroba perjuangan. Ia menjadikan mereka optimis dalam menghadapi kesulitan dan siap berkorban untuk meraih kejayaan.

Kesetiaanlah yang menghantarkan jiwa-jiwa patriotik ini untuk berada pada barisan paling depan dalam perjuangan. Kesetiaan jualah yang membuat pelakunya berbahagia dan sangat menikmati beban hidupnya serta setia dalam kesempitan dan kesukaran mahupun kelapangan dan kemudahan.

Sebaliknya orang-orang yang manja jiwanya dalam perjuangan ini tidak akan dapat bertahan lama. Mereka selalu mengeluh atas beratnya perjalanan yang mereka tempuh. Mereka pun menolak untuk menunaikan dakwah dengan pelbagai macam alasan agar mereka diizinkan untuk tidak berjuang. Mereka pun berat hati berada dalam perjuangan ini dan akhirnya berguguran satu persatu sebelum mereka sampai pada tujuan perjuangan.

Penyakit wahan telah menyerang jiwa-jiwa mereka yang rapuh sehingga mereka tidak dapat menerima kenyataan bahawa kepahitan adalah sebahagian risiko dan sunnah dakwah ini. Malah kesanggupan dalam dakwah mereka tergugat lantaran anggapan mereka bahawa perjuangan dakwah tidak harus mengalami kesulitan.

إِنَّمَا يَسْتَأْذِنُكَ الَّذِينَ لاَ يُؤْمِنُونَ بِاللّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الآخِرِ وَارْتَابَتْ قُلُوبُهُمْ فَهُمْ فِي رَيْبِهِمْ يَتَرَدَّدُونَ* وَلَوْ أَرَادُواْ الْخُرُوجَ لأَعَدُّواْ لَهُ عُدَّةً وَلَـكِن كَرِهَ اللّهُ انبِعَاثَهُمْ فَثَبَّطَهُمْ وَقِيلَ اقْعُدُواْ مَعَ الْقَاعِدِينَ )التوبة : 45-46

“Sesungguhnya yang akan meminta izin kepadamu hanyalah orang-orang yang tidak beriman kepada Allah dan hari akhirat, dan yang hati mereka (sangat) ragu-ragu. Oleh itu mereka sentiasa bingung teragak-agak dalam keraguannya. Dan kalaulah mereka mahu keluar (untuk turut berperang), tentulah mereka menyediakan persiapan untuknya; tetapi Allah tidak suka pemergian mereka, lalu dilemahkanNya semangat mereka, dan dikatakan (oleh Syaitan): “Tinggalah kamu bersama-sama orang-orang yang tinggal”. (At-Taubah ; 45-46)

Kesetiaan yang ada pada mereka merupakan kayu ukur ampuh untuk menilai daya ketahanannya dalam misi dakwah. Sikap ini membuatkan mereka sentiasa bersiap-siaga untuk menjalankan tugas yang terpikul di pundaknya. Mereka pun dapat menunaikan tugas dengan sebaik-baiknya.

Bila ditugaskan sebagai perajurit paling hadapan dengan segala akibat yang akan dihadapinya, ia sentiasa berada pada posisinya tanpa ingin meninggalkannya sekejap pun. Atau apabila mereka ditempatkan pada bahagian belakang, ia akan berada pada tempatnya tanpa berpindah-pindah dan terliur dengan apa yang diperolehi oleh barisan depan sebagaimana yang disebutkan Rasulullah saw. dalam beberapa riwayat tentang pejuang yang baik.

Marilah kita menyelusuri perjalanan dakwah Abdul Fattah Abu Ismail, salah seorang murid Hasan Al Banna yang selalu menjalankan tugas dakwahnya tanpa keluhan sedikitpun. Beliaulah yang disebutkan Hasan Al Banna sebagai orang yang sebaik sahaja pulang dari bekerja, beliau sudah berada di kota lain untuk memberikan ceramah dan kemudian berpindah tempat lagi untuk mengisi pengajian dari detik ke detik secara ‘maraton’.

Beliau selalu berpindah-pindah dari satu kota ke kota lain untuk menunaikan amanah dakwah. Akan tetapi, sesudah menunaikan tugas dakwah dengan sebaik-baiknya, beliau merupakan orang yang pertama sekali datang ke tempat kerjanya. Malah, beliaulah yang membukakan pintu gerbang pejabatnya.Pernah beliau mengalami keletihan hingga tertidur di sofa rumah Zainab Al-Ghazali.

Melihat kondisi tubuhnya yang lelah dan penat itu, tuan rumah membiarkan tamunya itu tertidur sampai bangun. Setelah menyampaikan amanah untuk Zainab Al-Ghazali, Abdul Fattah Abu Ismail meminta izin untuk ke kota lainnya. Kerana keletihan yang dialaminya, Zainab Al Ghazali memberikan duit untuk beliau menaiki taksi.

Abdul Fattah mengembalikannya sambil mengatakan, “Dakwah ini tidak akan dapat dipikul oleh orang-orang yang manja.” Zainab pun menjawab, “Aku sering ke mana-mana dengan teksi dan kereta-kereta mewah, tapi aku tetap dapat memikul dakwah ini dan aku pun tidak menjadi orang yang manja terhadap dakwah. Karena itu, pakailah duit ini, tubuhmu letih dan engkau memerlukan istirehat sejenak.” Beliau pun menjawab, “Berbahagialah ibu. Ibu telah berhasil menghadapi ujian Allah swt. berupa kenikmatan-kenikmatan itu. Namun, saya khuatir saya tidak dapat menghadapinya sebagaimana sikap ibu. Terima kasih atas kebaikan ibu. Biarlah saya naik kenderaan awam sahaja.”

Itulah contoh orang yang telah membuktikan kesetiaannya pada dakwah lantaran keyakinannya terhadap janji-janji Allah swt. Janji yang tidak akan pernah dimungkiri sedikit pun. Allah swt. telah banyak memberikan janji-Nya pada orang-orang yang beriman yang setia pada jalan dakwah berupa berbagai anugerah-Nya. Sebagaimana yang terdapat dalam Al-Quran.

يِا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ إن تَتَّقُواْ اللّهَ يَجْعَل لَّكُمْ فُرْقَاناً وَيُكَفِّرْ عَنكُمْ سَيِّئَاتِكُمْ وَيَغْفِرْ لَكُمْ وَاللّهُ ذُو الْفَضْلِ الْعَظِيمِ [الأنفال : 29

“Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Jika kamu bertaqwa kepada Allah, nescaya ia mengadakan bagi kamu (petunjuk) yang membezakan antara yang benar dengan yang salah, dan menghapuskan kesalahan-kesalahan kamu, serta mengampunkan (dosa-dosa) kamu. dan Allah (sememangnya) mempunyai limpah kurnia yang besar.” (al-Anfal ; 29)

Dengan janji Allah swt. tersebut, orang-orang beriman tetap bertahan mengharungi jalan dakwah ini. Dan mereka pun tahu bahawa perjuangan yang berat itu sebagai kunci untuk mendapatkannya. Semakin berat perjuangan ini semakin besar janji yang diberikan Allah swt. kepadanya. Kesetiaan yang bersemayam dalam diri mereka itulah yang membuat mereka tidak akan pernah menyalahi janji-Nya. Dan, mereka pun tidak akan pernah mau merubah janji kepada-Nya.

مِنَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ رِجَالٌ صَدَقُوا مَا عَاهَدُوا اللَّهَ عَلَيْهِ فَمِنْهُم مَّن قَضَى نَحْبَهُ وَمِنْهُم مَّن يَنتَظِرُ وَمَا بَدَّلُوا تَبْدِيلاً [الأحزاب : 23

“Di antara orang-orang yang beriman itu, ada yang bersikap benar, menunaikan apa yang telah dijanjikannya kepada Allah (untuk berjuang membela Islam); maka di antara mereka ada yang telah selesai menjalankan janjinya itu (lalu gugur syahid), dan di antaranya ada yang menunggu giliran; dan mereka pula tidak mengubah (apa yang mereka janjikan itu) sedikitpun.” (Al-Ahzab ; 23)

Pernah seorang pejuang Palestin yang telah lama meninggalkan kampung halaman dan keluarganya untuk membuat mencari dukungan dunia dan dana ditemubual “Apakah yang membuat anda dapat meninggalkan keluarga dan kampung halaman sebegini lama?” Jawabnya, “Kerana perjuangan. Dan, dengan perjuangan itu kemuliaan hidup mereka lebih bererti untuk masa depan bangsa dan tanah airnya. Kalau bukan karena dakwah dan perjuangan, kami pun mungkin tidak akan dapat bertahan,” ungkapnya lirih.

Aktivis dakwah sangat menyakini bahawa kesabaran yang ada pada dirinyalah yang membuat mereka kuat menghadapi pelbagai rintangan dakwah. Jika dibandingkan apa yang kita sumbangkan serta apa yang kita harungi dalam jerit perih perjuangan di hari ini dengan keadaan orang-orang terdahulu dalam perjalanan dakwah ini, belumlah seberapa. Pengorbanan kita di hari ini hanyalah secebis pengorbanan waktu untuk dakwah, secubit pengorbanan tenaga dalam amal khairiyah untuk kepentingan dakwah dan sekelumit pengorbanan harta dari keseluruhan harta kita yang banyak.

Cubalah bandingkan dengan pengorbanan orang-orang terdahulu, ada yang disisir dengan sisir besi, ada yang digergaji, ada yang diikat dengan empat ekor kuda yang berlawanan arah, lalu kuda itu dipukul untuk lari sekencang-kencangnya hingga robeklah orang itu. Ada pula yang dibakar dengan tungku yang berisi minyak panas.

Mereka dapat mengharungi kegetiran ini kerana kesabaran yang ada pada dirinya.Kesabaran adalah kubu pertahanan orang-orang beriman dalam meniti perjalanan ini. Bekal kesabaran mereka tidak pernah berkurang sedikit pun kerana keikhlasan dan kesetiaan mereka pada Allah swt.Bila kita memandang kehidupan generasi pilihan, kita akan temukan kisah-kisah rang yang menakjubkan yang telah menyuburkan dakwah ini.

Muncullah pertanyaan besar yang harus kita tujukan pada diri kita saat ini, “Apakah kita dapat menyemai dakwah ini menjadi subur dengan perjuangan yang kita lakukan sekarang ini atau kita akan menjadi generasi yang hilang dalam sejarah dakwah ini?”

Ingat, dakwah ini tidak akan pernah dapat dipikul oleh orang-orang yang manja. Ketabahan, keseriusan dan kesungguhan aktivis dakwah merupakan kenderaan yang akan menghantarkannya kepada kejayaan dan kegemilangan. Semoga Allah menghimpunkan kita dalam kebaikan. Wallahu’alam.

Adaptasi dari tulisan : Drs. DH Al Yusni

Saturday, December 13, 2008

'Pendatang asing' yang tahu mengambil peluang

Saya terpangil untuk membicarakan tentang pendatang asing ini kerana sudah sering benar terbaca berita tentang rungutan orang kita perihal gelagat warga asing yang menguasai kawasan perumahan,kawasan perniagaan ,pasar borong dan sebagainya.

Saya secara tak langsung kadang kadang tersinggung juga dengan kehadiran mereka yang memenuhi ruang pemandangan di sekitar ibu kota khususnya di lokasi Kota Raya dan jalan Raja Laut yang setahu saya dulunya adalah kawasan tumpuan warga kota untuk membeli belah atau atas tujuan yang berbeza.Hari ini jelas kelihatan kawasan itu sudah dipenuhi dan dikuasai oleh warga asing terdiri dari Indonesia,Bangladesh,Myanmar,Philipina dan berbagai lagi.Pemandangan itu sedikit sebanyak mendatangkan rasa jengkil di hati saya.

Saya secara prinsipnya bukanlah anti pendatang,lebih lebih lagi yang melibatkan saudara seagama,kerana saya diajar agar tidak memisahkan antara negara dan warna kulit bila melibatkan persaudaraan sesama islam.Tinggal lagi kerana sudah hidup dan membesar dalam sistem yang memisahkan antara negara,bangsa dan berbagai persempanan yang lainnya,hati saya kadang kadang terpaut juga dengan nilai yang diterapkan oleh 'mereka' itu.

Setelah mengambil kira keperluan negara terhadap buruh asing untuk memenuhi permintaan tenaga kerja dalam berbagai sektor,kita semua terpaksa akur dengan kehadiran orang luar ke negara kita.Bermula dengan kehadiran buruh berbangsa cina dan india di zaman penjajah british hinggalah sekarang ini pemerintahan di bawah kuasa 'Bangsa' sendiri.Sikap sesetengah yang cuba menyalahkan kerajaan British pada masa lalu yang bertanggungjawab membawa tenaga buruh asing ke negara ini tidaklah boleh diterima lagi kerana kini kita juga semua maklum betapa negara memerlukan mereka untuk membantu melaksanakan pelan dan perancangan dalam membagunkan negara.

Mereka juga manusia biasa seperti kita malah mungkin boleh saya katakan lebih bijak mengambil peluang dari keadaan kesempitan dan kesusahan hidup di negara mereka lalu melihat peluang yang cukup banyak terhampar di sini.

Salahkah mereka atau kita yang terlalu 'pemurah' dan tidak peka sebenarnya sehingga membiarkan penguatkuasaan tidak ditadbir dengan sebaik mungkin berbanding negara lain yang lebih teliti dan tegas.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Merahmati atau menzalimi

Dalam hidup ini ada dua,samada anda menjadi pelindung kepada orang lain dengan perasaan kasih dan sayang atau anda akan dizalimi oleh orang lain malah diri sendiri .Samada cahaya atau kegelapan.Samada hidayah atau kesesatan.Samada dosa atau ketaatan.

Kita hanya diberi peluang untuk memilih antara dua jalan.Membersihkan air untuk minuman atau berhadapan dengan risiko menggunakan air yang tercemar.Memelihara udara atau terdedah udara yang tidak sihat untuk kesihatan.Menyelamatkan manusia agar berfikiran positif atau tergugat dengan ancaman dari budaya hidup mereka yang negatif.

Kehidupan ini harus dipulihkan atau kita berhadapan dengan ancaman terpalit bersama mereka yang sedang hanyut dibuai oleh arus budaya glamour dan keseronokan.Kadang kadang kita cuba untuk menolak,tetapi ia sentiasa ada di depan mata malahan kita mungkin tidak sedar betapa diri membesar di sekeliling budaya negatif yang mungkin kita adalah antara orang pertama yang akan mempertahankan.


More Painful Than "SACRIFICE" is "SHAHADAT"..

Remember that you just left circumambulation or "tawaf of love" and are
standing in Ibrahim's position. When Ibrahim reached this point, he had
experienced a life full of struggle - fighting with Nimrod, the idols,
facing the tortures, the heap of fire, Satan, the sacrifice of his son
Ismail and ... migration, homelessness, loneliness passing from the stage
of prophecy to the stage of leadership, rejecting "individuality" and
adopting "totality" and from being worker in the house of Azar, the idol
maker, to becoming the builder of Kaaba, the house of unity!

Here Ibrahim stands. Having left many difficult years behind him, all of
his hairs are gray. Yet, at the end of his life, (as old as a history) he is
about to build a house; he is about to lay down the black stone.

Ismail helps him by carrying the stones and handing them to his father. The
house of Allah is being constructed!

It is a surprise! Ismail and Ibrahim are to build the Kaaba. Ismail is saved
from being sacrificed while Ibrahim is saved from the fire. Now they have a
responsibility toward the people. Allah has commanded them to be the
architects of "the oldest temple of unity" on earth, "the first house of
people" in history, "the free house" of freedom and the Kaaba of love and
worship. Haram is a symbol of "True Privacy and Modesty".

Now you are in Ibrahim's position! It is the highest point to which Ibrahim
could ascend; it is the nearest point to Allah. Ibrahim, builder of the
Kaaba, architect of the house of freedom, founder of tawheed, and fighter
against the idols, was tortured by Nimrod. Leader of the tribe, struggler
against ignorance and Kofr, conscientious of love and responsibility,
Ibrahim escaped the temptations of Satan and the Khannas (whisperer) who
inspires evil suggestions into the hearts of people.

Quran CXIV:5
who whispereth in the heart of mankind.

After suffering all the disaster, tortures and dangers, Ibrahim built a
- NOT FOR HIMSELF NOR FOR HIS SON - but a house for the PEOPLE. It is a
shelter for those who are homeless, a shelter for those who have been forced
to leave, a shelter for those who are wounded on this earth and a shelter
for those who are fleeing. This house is to be a torch amidst a long and
dark night. It symbolizes a rebel in the dark of his oppression!

Everyone is shameful and insecure; the earth has been converted into a big
house for prostitutes where there is respect for nobody. It is a big
slaughter house where nothing but oppression and discrimination prevails.
At last - there is a house which is clean, safe and secure for all mankind
(Allah's family) - the Kaaba!

In Ibrahim's position, you shake hands with Allah. Live the way Ibrahim did
and be the architect of tho Kaaba of faith of your time.

Save your people; help them step out of the lagoon of a stagnated and
life. Awaken them from their deep sleep so they will no longer suffer
oppression and live in the darkness of ignorance. Help them move; hold
their hands and lead them. Call them to Hajj for Tawaf!

Upon returning from tawaf where you assimilated yourself amongst the people,
you are in Ibrahim's position. You are in the house and city of safety and
security, facing Almighty Allah. Therefore, You, the "confederate" of Allah

- Make your land safe, as if you are in the Haram area!
- Make your time as the time of Ihram, as if you are always in the
state of Ihram!
- Make the earth the Safe-Mosque, as if you are in the Safe-Mosque!

All this because the "earth is the mosque of Allah," however you see that
in reality it is not!


When completing the tawaf prayer in Ibrahim's position, you must go to
which is the space between the mountains fo Safa and Marwa (it encompasses
about 1/4 mile). "Run" between those two mountains seven times. Start at
the top of Safa. Part of the path is at the level of Kaaba where you should do
the "harwala". Next, you walk normally to the foot of Marwa.

Sa'y is a search. It is a movement with an aim. It is depicted by running
and hurrying. During tawaf (circumambulation) you acted as Hajar. In
Ibrahim's position you acted as Ibrahim and Ismail. Once you begin "trying"
(Sa'y) you are acting as Hajar again.

Here is a true demonstration of oneness. Shapes, patterns, colors, degrees,
personalities, borders, distinctions and distances are destroyed. Naked man
and stripped humanity are on the scene! Nothing but faith, belief and action
are eminent! Here nobody is spoken of; even Ibrahim, Ismail and Hajar are
only names, words and symbols. Whatever exists is moving constantly,
humanity and spirituality and between them only discipline. Furthermore,
this is Hajj, a decision for an eternal movement in a certain direction. It is also
how the whole world moves.

Here in Sa'y you are to play the role of Hajar, woman, a poor, belittled
Ethiopian slave and maid for Sara. These are all of her qualifications in
the human social system - in the system of polytheism, but not in the system
of monotheism! This slave is the addressor of Allah, the mother of His
great prophets (the messengers of Allah) and the representative of Allah's
prettiest and dearest creatures. In this show of Hajj, she is the first and
distinguished character. In the house of Allah, she is the only woman, a

Allah told Hajar to obey Him and He would provide for her and her son.
Allah would take care of their lives, needs and future. Oh Hajar, the example of
submission and obedience, the great champion of faith and reliance in love,
you will be protected under My umbrella!

Hajar totally submitted to the will of Allah; she left her child in this
valley. This was the command of Allah and the order of love! However, the
model of submission (Hajar) did not "SIT QUIETLY". Soon, she arose and all
alone tried to run from one dry mountain to the other searching for water!
Constantly searching, moving and struggling, she decided to rely on her
her feet, her will and her mind. Hajar was a responsible woman, a mother,
in love, all alone, wandering, searching, enduring pain, disturbed, deprived
of support, lacking shelter, homeless, isolated from her society, classless,
race-less and hopeless; yet despite all these drawbacks, she was HOPEFUL! A
lonely slave, a victim, a stranger, exiled and disgusted, rejected from the
capitalistic-aristocratic system, hated by the nations, hated by the classes
and races, hated by the family - this black maid was all alone with her
child in her arms! She was far away from her town and country of a more
privileged race. Wandering in this strange desert, she was like a prisoner
in these mountains. All alone, she was restless but hopeful and determined
in her search for water, going from one area to the other.

All alone ... Running on her feet to the top of these mountains (NOT

This is the promoter of Ibrahim's tradition - not a god but a slave
not seeking the mercy of "fire" but of "water". Water? Yes water! Not unseen
not metaphysical, not love, not submission, not obedience, not soul, not a
Philosophical view of life. not in heaven, not in the hereafter. No, no,
no ... In this world and it is drinking water! From a fountain on this
earth, it is purely material. This same liquid which flows on earth (water)
is that which life is so thirsty for. The body requires it since it becomes
blood in your vessels. It is the milk in the mother's breast which
the child's thirst. Searching for water symbolizes searching for material
life on this earth. It is genuine need which shows the relation of mankind
to nature. It is the way of finding heaven in this world and enjoying its
fruit on this earth.

Sa'y is physical work. It means exerting your efforts and running after water
and bread in order to satisfy your thirst and feed your hungry children. It
is a way to achieve a better life. Your son is thirsty and awaiting you in
this dry desert; it is your duty to find a fountain to bring him some water.
Sa'y is the struggle and search for your needs out of the heart of nature;
it is the attempt to get water out of the stone.

Sa'y: purely material; a material need; a material aim and
material act!
Economy: nature and work!
Needs: material and human!

Surprisingly, in terms of distance, there are only a few steps or few moments
from Tawaf to Sa'y. Nevertheless, a great difference exists between the

Tawaf: Absolute love!
Sa'y: Absolute wisdom!
Tawaf: All "Him".
Sa'y: All "You"!
Tawaf: Almighty's will only!
Sa'y: Your will only!
Tawaf: As a butterfly who encircles the candle until it burns;
and it's ashes are gone with the wind - disappearing in love
and dying in light!
Sa'y: As an eagle who flies above these black mountains with the
support of its strong wings to find its food and seize
his bait in the midst of stones. It conquers both the earth
and the sky. The wind blows the earth and the sky. The wind
blows so softly against the eagle's wings. Flying freely above
the sky, heaven signifies its ambition. Under its wings, the
earth is so despised. The earth is also conquered by the
eagle's sharp and prudent look!
Tawaf is: Mankind in love with the "truth".
Sa'y is: Mankind self-supported by the "facts".
Tawaf is: The exalted man.
Sa'y is: The powerful man.

Tawaf: Love, worship, spirit, morality, beauty, goodness, holiness,
values, truth, faith, righteousness, suffering, sacrifice,
devotion, humility, slavery, perception, enlightenment,
submission, Allah's might and will, metaphysics, the unseen,
for others, for the hereafter, and ... for Allah! And ... w
hatever the easterner's spirit is motivated by and in love
Sa'y: Wisdom, logic, needs, living, facts, objectives, earth,
material, nature, privileges, thinking, science, industry,
policy, benefit, joy, economy, civilization, body, freedom,
will-power, mastery, in this world - for the self.

And ... whatever the westerners struggle for.

Tawaf: Allah only!
Sa'y: Mankind only!
Tawaf: Soul and nothing else.
Sa'y: Body alone.
Tawaf: Pains of "being" and worrying about the "hereafter".
Sa'y: Joys of "living" and convenience of "this world".
Tawaf: Searching for "thirst"!
Sa'y: Searching for "water"!
Tawaf: The butterfly.
Sa'y: The eagle.

Hajj is the combination of Tawaf and Sa'y. It resolves the contradictions
that have confused mankind throughout history:

Materialism or idealism? Rationalism or enlightenment? This world of the
hereafter? Epicureanism or asceticism? The will of Allah or the will of
man? To rely on Him or the will of man? To rely on Him or rely on ones

Allah (Ibrahim's God) will teach you the answer - Both! A lesson not by
words, perception, science nor philosophy but by showing you an example of
a human. This example from whom all the worldly philisophers, scientists
and great thinkers who are searching for faith and facts are to learn the great
lesson of Allah is again a woman, a black Ethiopian slave and a mother. It
is Hajar!

To the command of "love", she submits herself to His absolute will. Leaving
her town and country, she brings her child far, far away and leaves him in
this dry and lonely valley (Mecca). She relies absolutely on Allah and His
love. With the power of faith, she denies all the logics and rationales.
This is Tawaf!

But, unlike many of the so-called righteous people or worshippers, she does
not sit quietly beside her son. She does not wait for a miracle to occur or
for an invisible hand to bring some fruits from heaven or to flow a river
to quench their thirst. Nay! She leaves her son in the hands of "love" and
immediately arises to run - having decided to search for water and try her
best. And now in the uncivilized and dry mountains of Mecca, a woman -
alone, thirsty, responsible, a stranger - wanders in a fruitless search
for "water"! Oh Allah, are we talking of "Hajar" or "mankind"?

Hajar's efforts are useless; she returns desperately to her son. To her
astonishment, the child who was left under the umbrella of "love" in a
state of thirst and restlessness, has dug under the sands with his heels.
At that moment of maximum desperation and from an unexpected place,
there appears:

by miracle, by the power of needs and the mercy of
Allah - "a humming", "the sound of water"!

It is Zam-Zam, a sweet and life-giving fountain of water flowing from
This lesson: to find water by "love" not by effort but "after the effort".

Though you cannot approach Him by working hard, Oh my heart you should
try your best.

Oh in love, try, try Your best - You, the absolute faith and absolute

Try seven times which is the same number of times you circumambulated
Tawaf! But, this time, do not pursue a circular path that finally leads you
no place except where you originally started (i.e. Zero). Do not travel in
an empty circle, reaching no where, gaining nothing and moving aimlessly!,
working to fill the stomach and filling the stomach in order to be prepared
to work. Finally, continue on until the time of death!

Tawaf: Living not for the sake of living but for the cause of Allah.
Sa'y: Trying your best not just for yourself but for the people.
Here your path is straight and not a circle! You do not
move in circles but walk ahead. It is a migration,
beginning at one point and reaching your destiny; it is
going from Safa to Marwa.

During Sa'y you repeat a back and forth action seven times. The figure (7)
is "odd" not "even" so that your Sa'y ends up in Safa and not at the point

where you began! Seven times! Seven, a symbolic figure represents always,
all your life to ... Marwa! Start at Safa which means pure love for others.
Your destination is Marwa which means the ideal of manhood a sense of
generosity and forgiveness toward others! Who are the others? Those who are
trying with you!

What do I know? This is only my understanding and not all that it
It means annihilating and drawing yourself into this ocean of love; coming
out clean and sinless; and stepping in Ibrahim's position. Frorn there - Oh
man, a stranqer, homeless and exiled from the earth, a sense of
responsibility urges you to search for water in the mirage. Go to the top
Safa as Hajar did. See the white flood of people trying. Running down from
Safa restlessly and in a state of thirst, they search for water in this hot
and dry desert They continue to the top of Marwa where they find no water.
With dry lips, empty hands and sad looks, they return to Safa and Start
their search again. This procedure is repeated seven times, yet water is
not found nor is their thirst quenched! But, they do reach Marwa!

And you, Oh a drop, from the top of Safa join this White-river of wandering,
struggling and thirst! DrawXyourself into thiS flood of people. Try your
best (to Sa'y) with the others. In the middle of your Sa'y at the level of
"hurry up" along with the others.


At the last point of your Sa'y, at Marwa, cut your hair short or clip your
nails. Remove your Ihram garments and wear your regular clothes. Feel free!
With empty hands and in a state of thirst leave Marwa, go to find your
Ismail ...!

Listen carefully! Don't you hear the humming of water from here? See! The
thirsty birds are all flying above this dry desert! Zam-Zam has quenched
Ismail's thirst. A tribe of strangers from the very far landsl has occupied
this empty valley. The thirsty people of the earth have made a circle around
Zam-Zam. A city of stones has grown in this thirsty and desperate desert.
There has been a shower of relevation ... a house of "freedom" and "love"!

After returning from Sa'y, while thirsty and lonely, your loneliness will
end here. Zam-Zam is flowing under your Ismail's foot. People are all around
you. What else do you see? Allah is your next-door neighbor! You have
gotten so close to Him.

- Oh man, tired of "sa'y" rely on "love"!
- Oh "responsible man", try your best since your Ismail is thirsty!
- Oh, "the one in love", wish!
- Hope that love and wishes do miracles!
- And you, Hajj, who are coming from Sa'y ...
- From the dry desert of "your existence" and the depth of "your
neglected" nature, a fountain is humming!
- Listen carefully to your heart.
- You will hear the humming.

People who have come from all over the world. From the mountain of Marwa
go toward Zam-Zam. Have a few drinks, wash your face and bring some of
that water back to where you came from so that you may present it as a
gift to your people!


It is the ninth day of Zul-Hijjah and the greater pilgrimage has started.
Where are you? It does, not matter! Wherever you may be - at
near Kaaba, in your hotel or on the street - now you must depart for the
greater pilgrimage. Wear your Ihram attire and leave Mecca. How surprising,
to leave Mecca behind you! Was not Qibla, here in Mecca? Yes it was, but
the greater pilgrimage commences by leaving the Kaaba!!!

Were you not supposed to depart from your families, homes, lands and etc,
in order to come to Mecca and face the Qibla ? Yes, you were; however, that
was during the lesser Hajj (Umrah). And, why should you leave Kaaba now?
Because you are going to start the greater Hajj!

Deciding to go to Mecca is not the total actualization of Hajj nor are Kaaba
or Qibla the goals of Hajj. These are misunderstandings on your part. The
leader of monotheism (Ibrahim) teaches you that Hajj does not end in Kaaba,
but begins the moment you leave the Kaaba. It is not your destination but
the point from which you start!

Until now (at Kaaba), you were to become assimilated, ignore your personal
interests, overcome your self-centeredness and your limitations and discover
"yourself". Oh "immigrant" who is going to see "Him" (Allah), from here on
you will be pursuing a different path and entering a new land. For Umra and
in Miqat you were to leave "your house", but here for Hajj you must leave
the "house of Allah"!

At the verge of complete submission and the peak of your freedom, when you
have discovered "yourselP' - you are now qualified to obey this command:
"Leave the Kaaba; and now you are closer to Me than Kaaba!" Visiting Kaaba
during the lesser pilgrimage helped you to achieve self-discovery. Now you
are going to approach Allah, not to visit the "house" but to see the

Quran XXIV:42 & XXXV:18

Unto Allah is the journeying.

Kaaba is only the "direction and not the "destination". You started off by
coming "to Kaaba" but you are not to remain "in Kaaba". Anywhere you stop,
you will be lost and dead.

- Oh Hajj who is starting this journey, who is always trying to approach
- Oh man, the spirit of Allah,
- Oh the good deed,
- You came to Mecca,
- Do not stay here.
- Do not stop in the Haram.

To give you direction so that you would not be misled by other Qiblas,
was your Qibla. However, in Mecca, the Qibla is someplace else. You must
decide to go there and start a greater journey than coming to Mecca (i.e.
the greater pilgrimage)

So, on the day of departure (ninth of Zul-Hijjah), regardless of where you
are, put on your Ihram, turn your back to Mecca and move on ...! What place
is holier and more respectful than Mecca? Continue on; you will see ...!


Upon wearing your Ihram garments and leaving Mecca, you will
start traveling toward the east (Arafat) where you must remain until
the sunset of the ninth day. On your way back you will make a brief
stop in Mashar and then in Mina. Why? We will know shortly!

In contrast to what you were told previously - that is, to go
gradually and in a step-by-step manner - now you are to go restlessly
and thirstily, like a true lover, all the way to Arafat without a pausel
>From the morning of the tenth day until the twelfth day (or thirteenth
day if you wish) you must remain in Mina.

There are no signs to distinguish these three areas from each
other. A narrow pass about fifteen miles long joins the valley of
Mecca. Along this strait, there are no natural, historical or religious
monuments nor indicators which separate one area from the other
The borders are only hypothetical stages of your actions.

Another important factor is the emphasis placed upon "staying"
at these three "stages". The reason for this recommendation is beyond
a simple pause in Arafat on all of the ninth day or remaining in Mashar
only to collect seventy pebbles!

You must stay at Mina on the eleventh and twelfth days; these are
the two days following the day of sacrifice (the tenth day). Even
though you are almost finished by noon time of the tenth day after
offering your sacrifice followed by the stoning of Satan (Ramy: to
throw or cast), yet you are to stay at Mina.

As you can see, it is not to remain to reside but it is a short stop on
your way traveling with the caravan. Along this pass, you stop when
they stop and you start to move when they go from one stage to the
other. At every stage you enter, stop for a short period and then
move one stage! Since Mina is the last stage you will stay there for 3
days. Remember, it is NOT the destination! When do you finish this
journey? Where is the caravan's destination? Never! And, nowhere!
So, where are you going? The answer is to eternity, toward Allah!
Allah is the Absolute; He is "the eternal". Therefore, your journey is
a movement toward the absolute beauty, the absolute knowledge,
the absolute power, eternity and perfection! It is a restless and
eternal movement.

On this journey, Allah is not the "destination", but He is the
"direction". For man, everything is temporary, changing, perishing
and dying; yet, this eternal movement is continuous and the
direction is always there!

Quran XXVIII: 88

Everything will perish save His countenance.

You started from Mecca and came directly to Arafat. Now you move
from stage to stage back to "Kaaba".

Quran Il: 56

Lo we are Allah's and Lo' unto Him we are returning.

All that is discussed is "movement", a going movement (turn) and
a coming movement (return). There is always a movement "toward"
something and not "in" something! This is why Hajj is an absolute
move. It is not a journey since every journey comes to an end. Hajj
is an absolute goal and and external movement toward that goal.
Therefore, it is not a destination that one may reach, but a goal
that one tries to approach! This is why on your return from Arafat
you are left in Mina behind the wall of Kaaba and not inside the
Kaaba. This is what "to approach" not "to reach" means.

In returning to Allah, there are three stages (Arafat, Mashar, and
Mina) through which you must pass. They are NOT three places
that you visit. It is important to be aware of the emphasis placed
upon the periods of stopping at each stage as well as the decision to
pursue these stages. What do these three stages signify? Allah Himself
has already given them their heavenly names:

Arafat means: "Knowledge" and "science"!
Mashar means: "Consciousness" and "understanding"!
Mina means: "love" and "faith"!

Go from Mecca to Arafat (Lo' we are Allah's) and then return from
Arafat to Kaaba (Lo' unto Him we are returning). Arafat represents
the beginning of man's creation. In the story of Adam (creation of
mankind on earth), it is said: After Adam's descent onto earth, he
met Eve at Arafat, it was there that they were acquainted with each
other". The descent was when Adam was instructed to leave heaven
(after he rebelled). That heaven was not the one which is promised
for the hereafter (paradise). It was the heaven on earth as well
as Adam's birthplace. Covered with shrubbery and trees, Adam ate
drank, enjoyed himself, lived without any responsibilities and had no
Job obligations. He was quite satisfied until Eblis, the
angel who also rebelled by not prostrating to mankind, started to
inspire evil suggestions to him. Man inspired by Allah, both the
righteous and debauched, was persuaded by Eblis to transgress his
"limitations", to rebel and eat "the forbidden fruit". Eblis told
man that by doing so he would live a longer and more enlightened life.

"Wisdom" alone did not effect man; Adam refused to, eat the
forbidden fruit. Satan met with Eve who symbolized "love!" And
then, Adam agreed to eat "the forbidden fruit". Both "wisdom and
love" influenced the Angel and converted him into "Adam" !

Adam was the only Angel who could commit "sin" and then
"repent". He could "rebel" or "obey". In this case to "rebel" meant to
have freedom, it included the ability to make decisions contrary
to Allah's will. Concomitant with this liberty to decide was the
notion of "responsibility" and "consciousness . As a result,
Adam's state of satisfaction, joy and comfort was replaced
by the land of "needs, greed and pains ... or DESCENT.

It was the beginning of a new life for the conscious, rebellious and
responsible individual (Adam) who was the victim of pains, needs
and greeds. An exile and feeling lonely, he was in the prison of this
earth. Experiencing apprehension over the separation, Adam
expressed his complaints in the language of faith, knowledge
gnosticism, art, literature ... and life! He accepted the burden of
rebelling, the "natural apprehension of sin and the "instinctive
desire for repentance" ... How does Hajj relate to this? It is a living
example of man's creation or his repentance. It encompasses self
consciousness which includes the feeling of being a stranger and
exiled. Consequently, what emerges is a decision to

The conversion of the "Adam in heaven" to the Adam on this
earth" exemplified the character and behavior of mankind today. It
was a portrayal of the rebellious, aggressive and sinful man who
was swayed by Satan and Eve. Although he was expelled from
heaven, exiled onto earth and subdued by nature, Adam
nevertheless ate from the fruit of "the forbidden tree" What was
the outcome? Adam acquired the wisdom, consciousness and
insight of a rebel! Opening his eyes and finding himself naked,
Adam entered the state of "knowing" himself.

As was said previously, the descension from "Kaaba" to "Arafat"
represents the beginning of Man's creation. The time of man's
creation was simultaneous to the creation of "knowledge"! The first
spark of love emitted during the meeting of Adam and Eve promoted
their mutual understanding of one another. It was the first sign of
knowledge! Adam knew his wife of the opposite sex who was of the
same origin and nature that he was from.

Consequently, from a philosophical point of view, man's existence
was contemporaneous with the existence of knowledge; from a
scientific point of view, man's history started with knowledge!

How strange! During Hajj, the first move is initiated from "Arafat".
The "stop at Arafat" occurs in the daytime beginning at noon of the
ninth day when the sun is shining at its most. This time is designated
so that you may gain consciousness, insight, freedom, knowledge and
love in the sunlight! At sunset, the stop at Arafat is over. Nothing
can be seen in the dark. As a result, neither acquaintances nor
knowledge prevail! With the setting of the sun in the plain of Arafat,
people migrate to the west along with the sun. They continue on until
they reach Mashar, the land of consciousness". They stop there too.

The stage following "knowledge" is that of "consciousness". How
strange, first "knowledge" and then "consciousness"?? People
take it for granted that consciousness precedes knowledge; but the
creator of these two states of mind demonstrates the opposite
sequence! Adam met Eve (who was of the opposite sex). They
shared their views, communicated their thoughts and attained
mutual understanding. Their "individual" life was terminated by the
establishment of a family (which introduced social life) and the
creation of a "conscious love"! Furthermore, the unity of two human
beings began with knowledge; the evolution of knowledge
contributed to man's consciousness. This gave birth to science
which increased the understanding and in turn, enhanced man's
consciousness. Where did this lead? To more scientific progress!

When "objectivity" and the relation of an "idea" to
the external world is based on "reality", then wisdom will grow
comprehension will improve and man's spiritual power will flourish
Mina (love)!

- It would have been theological and metaphysical idealism had
Arafat (knowledge) been preceded by Mashar (consciousness)!

- It would have been a materialistic and scientific life but idle
with a spiritless civilization and aimless progress had Arafat
(knowledge) been the only stage!

- And, it would have meant the lack of our present under-
standing of our faith had it been only Mashar (consious-
ness) and Mina (love) without Arafat (knowledge)!!!

But in this religion of Islam, man. a creature who was made of the
meanest material of earth and who came to power by being the trustee
of Allah, commenced his actions with knowledge. He comprehended the
facts of this world by an objective method. Following this, he
gained his consciousness. During the last stage, he created love.
These stages are enacted by going from Arafat to Mashar and from
there ascending to the peak of human qualities and perfection
(i.e. to Mina) or to ... Allah!

Realism? Yes, but as the principle not the aim! It is a foundation
from which you strive for the ideal and metaphysical! Since
according to the Islamic concept man is made partly from mud and
partly from the spirit of Allah, YOUR will and decision help you to
migrate from "mud" to the "spirit of Allah". This is what you will
exercise when you pass the three stages of Arafat, Mashar and

In light of the concept which was just discussed, the meaning and
beauty of the following words may be expressed:

Faith: Way!
Knowledge: Awareness!
Prophecy: Guidance!
Umma: A decided group!
Imam: Leader and guide!
Shaheed and Shahid): The traffic signs!
Ibadat: Acts of devotion or to pound and smooth the way!
Righteousness: To train yourself as a responsible rebel,
to avoid things that remind you of yourself
and the causes of your stagnation!
The way of Allah: The way to sacrifice yourself and your world
for the people!
Prayer: To present yourself to Allah, to call
Him, to ask Him, to tell Him your needs, wishes, loves
and hates, to suqgest to yourself and the others
Dikr: To bear in mind, to think
Hajj: To decide!

You have arrived at Arafat which is the farthest distance from
Mecca. It is a dry plain all covered by smooth sands. In its center you
can view the small rocky hill of Jabal-al-Rahmah from which the prophet
Mohammad (PBUH) gave his last message (fareWell speech) to his followers
during his final journey to Mecca. Arafat is a wonderful city which you
visit for one day; it is gone with the wind after sunset prayers. There
you will encounter a society of all the races so united as one nation
without borders. It is as if the whole world is gathered at this plain
under the whlte tents that extend from one horizon to the other - where
distinctions are minimum, aristocracy is too mean and man made beauties
are ugly!

You ask yourself - What am I supposed to see here? What am I
supposed to see here? What work is to be done? The answer -
NOTHING! You are free to do whatever you want! You may spend
the day swimming in this great ocean of mankind or you may even
sleep all day! But "remember" that you are at Arafat! There is
nothing to "see" here. As Andre Gide' has said, "The glory should be
in your look and not in what you are looking at". Let your instincts
and nature blossom under the clear sun of Arafat. Lastly, in contrast
to what man has done throughout history, do not run away from the
sunshine, the light, the freedom and the crowd. Always appear with
the people ...

In the past, you lived under oppression and were kept ignorant as
moss in stagnated waters ...! Now, Oh "man", come out of your tent,
draw yourself into this deep ocean of people and let your "ego" burn
under the glowing sun of Arafat! Only for one day, Oh "man ', be as a
candle, burning and illuminating the hearts of these people! Do not
be like wax and melt in the hands of the oppressors. Do not be a

In any case, you are entitled to spend this day as you wish. What
you are requested to do is only to stop and then leave the plain
(Arafat) at sunset!


The sun is disappearing in Arafat and you must leave too! Arafat is
lost and killed by the darkness of the night. You do not stay here
overnight but leave at sunset since everyone has decided to move
When the night comes forth, no Muslim is seen. The "Sunshine
City" suddenly and hurriedly transcends the plain and disappears to
the west. But to go where? To "Mashar"!

You can not rest; every stage is a short stop and a fast leave
Stop? - Never! Reside? - Nowhere! Stay for half a day overnight
or a couple of days. That is all! The tents you pitched yesterday
should all be picked up today.

You are being addressed - Yes you, Oh mankind! You live for a
short time on this earth and no more! Oh man, you are only a
moment of this eternal time! Oh man, you are nothing! Oh wave,
your "existence" depends on your "movement" and You are dead if
you are passive!

On..."nothing"! You will be "complete" when you have absolutely
decided! Oh...the "drop"! Join (enter into) the roaring river of the
"people" and "flow"!

Quran II: 198

When you participate in the multitude from Arafat, remember
Allah by the sacred monument. Remember Him since He has guided
you, although before you were of those astray.

You must be in Mashar by nightfall. People are crowded together
as they move down the valley from Arafat to Mina and then to
Mecca. Arafat, this city in which you stop over for one day, is gone
with the wind of the sunset and the roaring flood of "mankind". In
one color and with one direction, the people circle the rock of "Jabal-
al-Rahmah as if they are afraid of the night, hurrying the slope of
the valley and running away from the dark. Now night has covered the
plain of Arafat.

And you, as a dot on this line, a drop and many other drops,
flow as a flood! Struggle as those who surprisingly attack by
night with hope and faith!

What a surprise! It seems that the "Sunshine City" has melted in
the fire of Arafat. Now, the "dark city" has covered this land like a

Everyone is lost in this crowd. Darkness is everywhere, but what
is there to fear? The road is solid and secure. THE TRAGEDY IS
SERVITUDE!. Oh man, Allah is expecting you at the end of this path.
Remember you are in Mashar (land of consciousness).

How delicate it is! Arafat or the symbol of "knowledge" is used in
the plural form but Mashar it is the single form! This is to say:
ONE! The only way is the way of the people for the cause of Allah.
Once, the prophet (PBUH), sitting with his companions, visualized
this by drawing several lines on the ground with a stick in his hand
show1ng different ways of discovering the existing relations between
phenomenons. (In other words, ways of knowledge and learning.)

Science is the discovery of "pre-existing phenomenons". Arafat is
like a mirror reflecting all the colors, designs and patterns as they are
on a larger scale. The universe is like a mirror, when facing the world
(worldly matters) it reflects "Physics" and when facing religion it
reflects "Jurisprudence". That is all!

There is not good or bad knowledge. It can be in service or in
treachery; purity and impurity means nothing to it. Knowledge is
knowledge, forever and everywhere, the same for the Muslim and
the non-Muslim, for the people as well as their enemies and for the
servants or the traitors! Limitations exist only in "consciousness" -
the power which will employ knowledge, give it direction and end up
in morality or immorality, peace or war and justice or injustice!!!

In a capitalistic system, knowledge and science have the same
meanlng as in a communistic system. The Nazi (Fascist) physicists
know as much about nature as their victims and the respected
preachers of the Caliph are as knowledgeable about the religion as
those preachers imprisoned by the Caliph.

What makes one an "executioner" , the other a "martyr", one an
oppressor, the other a freedom lover and one corrupt, the other
righteous is not "knowledge" but "consciousness".

The question regarding the types of sciences and knowledge is not
relevant, but what is important is the type of "consciousness". Hajj
specifies this very well as "sacred consciousness"; that is, whatever
is guarded by the sanctuary of chastity modesty and cleanliness.

The first stage (Arafat) is a single word, but the second stage is
not just "Mashar". Rather, it is called "Mashar-ul-Haram" way. And,
to our surprise, the stop at Mashar-ul-Haram is during the night time
while the pause at Arafat is during the day time! Why? Because Arafat
is representing the stage of knowledge and science which is an
objective relationship between the thoughts and the existing facts
of the world. Clear vision is necessary; therefore, it needs light
(daytime). Mashar represents the stage of consciousness which is a
subjective relationship between thoughts. There-fore, it is the power
of understanding achieved by more concentration in the darkness and
the silence of "night time".

Arafat is the stage of experience and objectivity. Mashar is the stage
of insight and subjectivity. Arafat is a state of mind far from corruption
and sickness. Mashar is a stage of consciousness with full responsibility,
pure and righteous in the sacred and secure land of Mashar-ul-Haram as
in the Sacred Mosque and the holy month! Sin, corruption, aggression
and fighting are forbidden; no one is allowed to hurt an animal or even
uproot a plant! The earth and sky are safe and secure in freedom and
modesty. A righteous environment needed for peace prevails. It is as
clean and pure as a spirit and as glorious as nature.

So surprisingly, a "consciousness" born of "knowledge" and pregnant
with "love" exists. It is the next door neighbor of "science" and
"faith". This is the stage between Arafat and Mina. Intuition needs
no light; it is illuminated by thought and able to solve any problems
of "love"!

Hikma is the type of knowledge or acute insight that was brought to
mankind by prophets and not by scientist or philosophers. This is the
type of knowledge and self-consciousness that Islam talks about. It not
only trains scientists, but conscious and responsible intellectuals.

It is not the subjectivity of phenomenons and regulations it is the
clear light! It is the type of knowledge that our illiterate Prophet
(PBUH&HF) inspired:

Allah will put this light in the hearts of those He likes (wishes).

This is the knowledge of the proper guidance. Anyone can learn
the knowledge of Arafat, but the intuition of Mashar is the light that
Allah puts in the hearts of those whom he wishes! Who are they?
They are not those who work selfishly, but those who struggle for
the cause of others.

Quran XXIX: 69

As for those who strive in use, we surely guide them to our path.

This is the knowledge of "guidance", "self-consciousness" deliverance" and
"salvation". In the light of this knowledge, an "illiterate bedouin"
became the leader of a tribe and the torch-holder of a caravan! This
knowledge (Hikma) is not learned from books or taught in schools or
universities. It is taught in the field of struggle and by Holy War. The
students who learned this knowledge fight for the freedom of mankind
and for the sake of Allah.

To learn this knowledge you need no light; it is light by itself.
Luminosity is its nature. With this knowledge you can even see in the
dark night - like the night of Mashar-ul-Haram. Why should you fear
the night and the dark? Are you not on the right way? Are not the
people with you? Are not you with the caravan? A drop going in the
white-river of people? All on the right path?

Quran II: 199

Then hasten onward from the place whence the multitude hasteneth

How sensational it is to search for armsl in the dark land of
"sense" and "feelings"! Why not wait until morning? What is the
holy war for? The stop in Mashar is for you to think, to plan,
to strengthen your spirit, to collect arms and to prepare yourself
for the battlefield. On the night of holy war, all this must be
done in the dissimulation of the night, in a hidden ambush and
next to Mina (the state of oppression).

You are to collect arms in the dark of night, but with the light of
"sense" and "feelings" (the sacred sense) and with the knowledge
you gained in the light of Arafat! Wait all night; wait for the sunrise
and see the morning of light, victory and love in Mina!


The roaring and restless army has collected the pebbles from the stony
land of Mashar. Now at the border of Mina, one waits with silence
everywhere and thinks in this desert of "resurrection" ... No, Oh
Allah, I meant the land of Mashar! There is no tent, no sign, no wall,
no door, not a ceiling, not a street, not a tower - it is not a city!
Do not waste your time to look for your friends or find your
caravan. Everyone here is alone. There are only two of you here -
you and night!

Such a biq crowd! All caravans and tribes are grouped together.

Quran LXXX: 34, 35, 36

On the day when a man fleeth from his brother and his mother
and his father. And his wife and his children!

You had forgotten yourself; here again you will find yourself!

While in the state of Ihram and at Miqat, you forgot yourself and
koined the people. In Tawaf, you were carried by them. After Say,
you found yourself. At Arafat, you were drawn into the ocean. And
then again, you will find yourself at Mashar.

Everyone is alone in such a crowd. Here you have discovered
"Your truth"; you are with no cover-up, no color, no mask or make
up, naked and pure. Tonight you utill conduct a private talk with a
Friend (Allah)! Declare yourself and confess your sins. It is
sensational to confess and clearly proclaim what you want. Now is
the time to ignore all those limitatic ns and break the walls. Release
what you have imprisoned inside yoll all these years! You are here by

You joined the crowd as an individual. Here in the crowd you will
end up being alone again! The "individuality" which you have found
by diving into the ocean of people and findinq the pearl of yourself is
wonderful; you are shoulder to shoulder with the people but
simultaneously alone! How wonderful!

The strait of Muzdalifa strongly ernbraces this army in it's arms
Millions of Muslims, undivided and unscattered, are packed
shoulder to shoulder (as if they have crept onto each other). Never-
theless, everyone is alone facinq the inspiring sky of Mashar!

You feel lonely among this absolute sovereignty of people.
Nobody knows one another, but do not be afraid. The night has
covered you in its modesty.

No one will look at you or call you by what you were called before.
Free yourself and leave yourself in the hands of the night. What am I
saying? The night of Mashar has covered the horizon and it appears
as a heavenly screen.

In this silent palm grove full of moonlight, leave your searching
eyes and restless heart in the shower of its silence, to fledge and
flutter as a butterfly in love. Then, in the depth of your heart, feel the
loneliness in this desert where you are sentenced to live. Amidst
such glorious silence, you are able to hear Allah and the voice of "the
great prisoner of the earth" and leader of humanity who bent his
head into the well, painfully groaning and crying in the heart of this

When Mashar is overcome by the glorious and mysterious
Magnificence of night, everything becomes qulet and calm.
Suddenly the invader's flood (Islamic Army) flows into this valley and
irrigates the bed, the hills and the neighborhood mountains. Then
Mashar is quiet again under it's heavenly ceiling.

Night has come to Mashar and there is no light; yet, there is the
moonlight and the shower of luminous stars - shining and
illuminating the desert. The night of Mashar and its beautiful
heavenly sky is unknown to those who have lived a city-life, spoiling
their time by searching for worldly needs and greeds. Their nights
are quite different! The night of Mashar is a shadow of imagination
and paradise - moonlight, cool, clear and kind with the tender smile
of Allah. This is where your heart will witness Allah"s swearing. "In
the name of the moon and moonlight ..."

Quran XCI: 1-6

By the sun and his brightness, and the noon when she floweth him
and the day when it revealeth him and the night when it enshroudeth
him, and the heaven and He who built it, and the earth and He
who spread it.

It is not like the nights of crowded and polluted urban areas where
people exhale the damp infectious air and stars look pale and sick!
It is the tenth night of Zul-Hijjah. The great army of tawheed (Unity)
and learned freedom-fighters has camped on this mountain. It's soldiers
are totally distracted from this world by their "rapturous thoughts of
love" as they stare at the sky of Mashar. This inverted blue ocean is
filled with germs of the sky (stars) that appear successively amidst
this dark ceiling of the universe and open a window to another world.
As the only fondling smile of nature in the face of cursed people of
the earth, the moon sparkles radiantly from the top of the mountain,
it illuminates the valley of Mashar. At the other corner of the sky,
the smiling stars are busy hanging the luster of "Pleiades" from the
ceiling of Mashar in order to illuminate the mysterious path which
directs toward eternity. This so-called "Milky Way" is "The Way to
Mecca" or "The Way of Ali".

Such great and important meanings are concealed in the language
and interpretations of the illiterates. They will be laughed at by the
educated (ulema) who are still at the stage of Arafat. The
"facts" in these stories are more significant and deeper than the
"History"; however, these "facts" are ignored because "they did not
happen"! Those historians who realize and record "what happens
do not know that these "facts" are overlooked by them nor are they
aware of how their lives are wasted recording empty, ridiculous
stories and hated falsehoods simply because "they happened" and
are the objectives!

Look at the sky of Mashar!!! See the beams of the stars
penetrating the heart of the night; they are the security angels of
heaven. Should the devils and corrupt ones decide to secretly spy
from a corner in the darkness, they will be knocked down by the
beams of the shooting stars! Why? So that no evil-doer or stranger
will dare to invade it"s holy and glorious privacy! Why? So that no
evil-doer or stranger will understand and know the secret of it's

And you, who are "shoulder to shoulder with the people" and lost
in the crowd, nevertheless, you are privately with Allah! Oh "soldier
in love", "worshipper of the night of Mashar", "lion of the field of
Mina" and "member of the army of Jihad" awaiting in the
stage of consciousness to fight with Satan on the following day -
what are you carrying with you??? Wear your Kafan and hold your
stones (arms) in your hands - nothing else!

Put your arms under your head and have privacy with Allah
tonight. Only Him and you are together along with your arms and
faith. Leave this "mean world" and ignore your "limitations"! Fly
above this heavenly sky, pass through the openings in the stars and
ascend to the roof of creation. If you are good follower of
Mohammed (PBUH), do what he did! "Let your heart be enlightened by

Kill all of the weaknesses, fears, complexes and interests which
you had in your life. Prepare for tomorrow by getting ready tonight!
Oh "free creature", "soldier in love" and the devils are
waiting in front of Mina. Train yourself tonight since there is going to
be a serious battle tomorrow. In this land of consciousness, fill your
hands with arms and fill your heart with love!

You may ask yourself - What am I supposed to see or do here???
The answer is - Nothing!!! You are free to sink in this ocean of
people! You may spend the night as you want; you may even sleep!
But ... wish and behave as if you are in Mashar where there is
WHAT YOU LOOK AT!!! There are no obligations here. What you
are supposed to do is beyond a simple duty (i.e. thinking).

How wonderful!!! There are hundreds of thousands of nameless
people who lack any sort of identification sitting on the ground and
gazing at the star-filled sky of Mashar. Your thirst will be satisfied by
the invisible showers of revelation which fall from the sky. In the
midst of this crowd, silence can be heard! In the midst of this holy
atmosphere, there is nothing to pre-occupy your mind - not even
thoughts of Allah because Allah is everywhere! You can smell Him
as simply as a rose can be smelled. You can feel His presence in your
ears, eyes, heart and deep in your bones ... What is being said? You
can feel Him on your skin as a caress, as love!

Spend the night at Mashar thinking so that you may attain self-
discovery. In the darkness of the night, try to find your arms and
prepare for the following day. What a beautiful view! The army is
arriving from Arafat and hastily hiking on the mountains to gather
arms. This is the army of Tawheed ( v.y ) wherein the only
existing rank is in relation to Allah and not one another. Status is
granted to the people on the basis of the nature and character of
one"s "self", the "self" of today, the "self" of yesterday and the"self"
at any given time - NOT on the principle of names or selected
individuals. Lastly, Ibrahim is the commander of this army of

At the mountains and in the darkness of the night, gather your
arms collectively bearing in mind that everyone is responsible for
himself. The next stage is Mina (the battlefield) which takes place on
the following day, the day of "Sacrifice" (the time of Jihad). Your
arms must be collected during the darkness of the night while you
must fight during the daylight. This ocean of people appears stormy
and restless. They are thinking about and preparing for the war.
Thousand of mysterious ghosts, all brothers and sisters and all
soldiers form this ocean of people. All of them know each other, yet,
one cannot identify his brother or sister; they are all the same.

In the darkness of Mashar, everybody is working diligently,
bending over and searching the stony land to find the pebbles
(Jamarah) that will be shed in the battlefield of Mina
(Rami). Jamarah is a pebble but a special kind, so be
careful! It is dark and the pebbles are difficult to find. Measure them
and pick up the right size! You should follow the recommendation in
your selection - disciplined, be united, stay together and feel
completely responsible ... It is a serious matter. These pebbles will be
used as your weapons to kill your enemy. Choose the ones that are
smooth, shiny, round, and smaller than a nut but bigger than a
pistachio! What does the pebble represent? It represents a Bullet!
Everything is in order and carefully evaluated. Each soldier in
Ibrahim"s army has to shoot seventy bullets at the enemies in Mina.
They are to be shot at the head, trunk and heart of the enemy. Only
those bullets which hit the enemy will be counted; if you are not an
expert, select more bullets to compensate for your lack of skill.
Regardless, you must have enough for the front line. If you hit one
less than the recommended number, you are not considered a
soldier nor is your Hajj accepted.

Follow the rules while you are in this army. Remember you have to
stay in Mina for three days (tenth, eleventh, twelfth). Be sure your
bullets are not wasted because only those that strike the enemy are
accredited. These are military acts. The facts and actions are as
important as the objective results. The scene is a battlefield not an
abbey! The orders are simple, punctual, exact, decisive,
unavoidable and need no theological or philosophical
interpretations. The acts are not related to praying, interceding,
mourning or supplicating. An action with consequences emerges.

Absolute obedience characterized by no disputes is expected.
Nothing and nobody can be replaced at this point; excuses are
accepted for no one! Do not forget that on these mountains no
person has the authority. Even if Ibrahim (PBUH) or Mohammad
(PBUH) hit less than the recommended number of bullets, his Hajj
would not have been accepted. What does this tell you? If you make
a mistake, you will be penalized. There is no place for
"rationalization" or bribery in this situation.

On the first day, you attack once and shoot seven bullets each
time. A total of forty-nine bullets are shot during these days. On the
fourth day, you are free to leave or remain in Mina. If you stay, you
must fight and conduct attacks as you did on the second or third
day. In this case, you must have at least seventy bullets. Since Mina

is the battle front, nobody should rest there. If you stay, you have to

Once everyone has collected the arms, the military atmosphere
suddenly changes to a spiritual one. There are no more discussions
about arms, fighting, disciplines and absolute obedience. Instead, all
conversations are regarding peace, love and ascension of the spirit
to heaven. The roars of the restless lions will be converted to the
moans of pain. The sound of flying bullets will be replaced by a
silence in which one can hear the people whispering, ascending the
sky and speaking with Allah in the middle of the night.

What a lovely scene! The night of Mashar first witnessed the
shouts and restlessness of a dreadful army that planned a big
conspiracy for the next day! And then what? A clear and waveless
sea which under the moonlight and shower of the stars reflects a
heaven on this earth appears! It is the land of the angels of beauty
and mercy. Everyone is deeply astonished and so silent - as if there
were a bird sitting on their shoulder. One can even hear the
sound of the "tear drops" of those who cry modestly. No sound
dares to break the silence of Mashar except the "heart-beat" of

Mashar is the camping area of the army in the world in which every
soldier is a commander too. They do not only drink, entertain and
enjoy preparations for the fight the following day; rather, they have
celebrated the victorious battle ahead of time during the "Id
night. All are engrossed in love, humility and silence.
They face the future and the rapture of restlessness and eagerneSS
of the front of eternity, quench their thirst with the shOwer of
revelation, purify themselves through worship and strengthen their
spirit by praying. Why all this? So that in tomorrows battle ("as
Jacob was restless to die when he was separated frorn Joseph")
they may get the honor of Shahadat from the hand of the great
commander, Allah!

How strange?!! Waiting for the day of struggle that is creeping
closer and closer to them, the soldiers in Mashar have their hands
filled with arms and their lips filled with prayers. The morning breeze
has set such a mysterious movement in the camp when the
harmonious sound of "Azan" is heard from every
corner, freely casting an echo everywhere. It is as if the echo reaches
the far horizon. Hundreds of thousands of "figures are bending and
prostrating in the ambiguity of the dawn. The breeze of Azan passes
through this land of Tawheed so gently that nothing can
disturb the glory of its unity! The time for the morning Prayer has
come. It is the same morning prayer that you always Perform but
the difference this time is in the atmosphere in which Your prayers
are said. Silence has overcome Mashar - as if everyone is asleep
The night has passed over and above the mountains, passed over
and above those who sleep in Mashar and dlsappeared In the Strait
of Mina. And now - the sun is rising!

Saya belum pernah jemu menjamah tulisan Ali syariati ini.Pertama kali menerima hadiah senaskah buku versi Melayu dari seorang kawan,saya sentiasa rindu untuk mengulanginya.