Thursday, May 29, 2008

Qur'an and science:All things in pair

Dr. Ibrahim B. Syed
Clinical Professor of Medicine
University of Louisville School of Medicine
Louisville, KY 40292
President, Islamic Research Foundation International, Inc
7102 W. Shefford Lane
Louisville, KY 40242-6462
Website: http://WWW.IRFI.ORG


Islam is a religion of truth and it is a rational religion. The Glorious Qur'an denounces irrational religion as religion evidently false. Again and again the Qur'an urges men to use their reason, to ponder and to reflect. While the West thinks there is conflict between religion and science, but for Muslims there is no conflict between Islam and Science. According to Dr. George Sarton, former Professor of History of Science at Harvard University Islam is responsible for the meteoric rise of sciences during the middle ages while Europeans lived in the dark ages. This is because both the Qur'an and Prophet Muhammad (S.A.S) extolled the Muslims to learn, to seek education and knowledge. In Islam there is no distinction between secular education and religious education.

The Noble Qur'an is not a scientific treatise. It is a book of guidance, a book of wisdom. However there are more than 1200 verses (Ayath) which can be interpreted in the light of modern science. The Qur'an gave a great impetus to learning, particularly in the field of natural sciences. The Qur'an Majid may be called the cause of modern scientific and material progress.


One of the most recent of all scientific discoveries is that everything in the universe exists in pairs such as male and female among living things. Now we find that rock crystals also have pairs.

The Qur'an says:

And of everything We have created pairs: That ye may receive Instruction.

Surah Zariyat, 51: 49 A. Yusuf All in note 5025 item (3) says " All things are in twos: sex in plants and animals, by which one individual is complementary to another; in the subtle forces of nature. Day and Night, positive and negative electricity, forces of attraction and repulsion: and numerous other opposites, each fulfilling its purpose, and contributing to the working of God's Universe; and in the moral and spiritual world. Love and Aversion, Mercy and Justice, Striving and Rest, and so on;-all fulfilling their functions according to the Artistry and wonderful Purpose of God. Everything has its counterpart, or pair, or complement. God alone is One, with none like Him, or needed to complement Him. These are noble things to contemplate. And they lead us to a true understanding of God's Purpose and Message."

Surah TA HA 20: 53

Sex in plants was discovered in the 1890s. The knowledge that plants have life, their male and female characteristics, pollination and fertilization is found in the Qur'an which was revealed 1400 years ago.


The most astounding fact of all is that pairs exist at the atomic (nuclear particles, electrons) and subatomic particles levels. The Qur'an very clearly states:

Surah YASEEN 36: 36

In note 3981 Yusuf Ali says "The mystery of sex runs through all creation, -in man, in animal life, in vegetable life, and possibly in other things of which we have no knowledge. Then there are pairs of opposite forces in nature, e.g., positive and negative electricity, etc. The atom itself consists of positively charged nucleus or proton, surrounded by negatively charged electrons. The constitution of matter itself is thus referred to pairs of opposite energies."

The purpose of this article is to reflect and interpret in detail the Qur'anic statement " And (other) things of which they have no knowledge." Man had no knowledge of the structure of the atom until the early part of the twentieth century. Scores of subatomic particles have been discovered recently and many are yet to be discovered. Nick Herbert says in his book "FASTER THAN LIGHT" (published by New American Library, New York, 1988, p.144)

"Today the physicists have generalized Dirac's result and predict that all elementary particles come in pairs, the existence of a certain particle implied that a corresponding antiparticle also exists."

In 1930, British Theoretical Physicist and Nobel Laureate in Physics P.A.M. Dirac based on mathematical equations predicted the existence of antielectron, reverse electron or positron. This is the first "electron-positron" pair at the elementary particle level postulated then. In 1932 Carl Anderson using a particle detector called cloud chamber detected the positron in Cosmic rays which flood the entire universe including the earth.

As we know the nucleus of an atom contains positively charged particles called protons and neutrons with no charge but have the same mass as protons. The electron revolves around the nucleus. This is the structure of an atom. The nucleon (proton or neutron) is quite heavy compared to the mass of an electron. The mass of a nucleon is 1836 times the mass of an electron. The particles whose mass is between the mass of an electron and the mass of a nucleon are called mesons (intermediate). Muons are 207 times as massive as electrons. Pions are 270 times as massive as electrons. There are three kinds of Pions: positively charged, neutral, and negatively charged. A photon or a neutrino has zero charge and zero mass. A nucleon (proton or neutron) consists of three quarks. The following definitions will be helpful to the readers in understanding the Tables listing the subatomic particles in pairs.

Baryon: a heavy particle

Nucleon: a proton or neutron

Hyperon: a baryon that is heavier than a nucleon

Meson: a particle of medium mass (between an electron and a nucleon)

Hadron: any particle that can take part in a strong interaction (such as baryons and mesons)

Lepton: a particle of low or zero mass that can experience electromagnetic forces or the weak force.

The masses of the particles are expressed in energy units called MeV (million electron Volts). The mass of an electron is expressed as 0.511 MeV and the mass of a nucleon is equal to 938 MeV. A particle whose mass is between 0.511 MeV and 1000 MeV is a meson. A particle whose mass is greater than 1000 MeV is a Hyperon.

Particle and antiparticle constitutes a pair. Electron and positron is a pair. Proton and antiproton is a pair. Neutron and antineutron is a pair. The details of the stable and semistable particles along with their counter particles are shown in the Tables.


Usahakan mengenali diri

Ikuti pengalaman seseorang dalam bengkel mencungkil keyakinan diri di kalangan pelajar Malaysia di Indonesia:

“Saya tidak berpuas hati kerana semasa menghadiri seminar-seminar kemanusiaan, aktivis masyarakat dan yang seumpama dengannya, pesertanya begitu yakin sekali berbahas. Pengucapan minda mereka jelas, bernas dan tidak pernah mensesiakan peluang bersoal jawab dengan panelis. Tetapi mengapa apabila saya hadir ke majlis yang Islamik, pesertanya tidak begitu?”, saya melontarkan cabaran kepada peserta PERMAI’08 semasa berbahas tentang aspek KEYAKINAN DIRI.

Wajah peserta sedikit terganggu.

“Kalian ada al-Quran dan al-Sunnah sebagai sandaran hujah. Tetapi tanpa keyakinan diri, kalian tiada kekuatan untuk berdiri. Hingga nantinya kelihatan al-Quran dan al-Sunnah itu yang lemah. Walhal pembela-pembelanya yang berkrisis diri. Tiada keyakinan diri”, saya menyambung lagi.

Cakap teragak-agak.

Muslimatnya segan-segan.

Musliminnya malu-malu.

Walhal cukup belaka hidung, telinga dan biji mata mereka. Entah apa yang disegankan!


“Apa bedanya mahasiswa Malaysia itu, ya akhi?”, tanya Ustaz Fadly sebelum sesi beliau bermula.

“Mahasiswa Malaysia itu umumnya kurang keyakinan diri!”, tanpa teragak-agak saya memberikan pandangan.

Nyata sekali, Ustaz Fadly banyak menekankan aspek keyakinan diri ini di dalam sesi beliau. Saya sendiri tidak pasti apakah memang beliau merancang dari awal isi kandungan modulnya, atau terkesan dengan kenyataan saya.

Kelihatannya, peserta semacam mengalami kejutan.

Peserta PERMAI’08 terutamanya muslimat ‘mencipta sejarah’ apabila kali pertama dalam hidup mereka meniup belon hingga meletup, dan mematahkan pensel dengan karate menggunakan satu jari! Kelihatannya mudah, tetapi ia langkah besar untuk mencabar satu cabang dari keyakinan diri.

Tidak ingatkah kita kepada pesan Abu Tayyib al-Mutanabbi:

Jika kamu mahu menjadi seorang yang mempunyai idea, maka jadilah seorang yang berpendirian. Kerana sesungguhnya satu-satu idea itu (biar sebaik mana pun ia) akan menjadi rosak hanya kerana kamu berbelah bagi…!

Berbelah bagi, tidak pasti dalam fikiran, pengucapan dan perbuatan, memusnahkan apa sahaja pendirian yang mahu dipertahankan. Betapa tragisnya al-Quran dan al-Sunnah tersisa di tangan pejuangnya yang tiada keyakinan diri. Itulah yang menjadi kesedihan saya.


Lantas di bumi Indonesia yang terkenal dengan kebebasan mengungkapkan fikiran dan pandangan, saya mahu anak-anak Malaysia yang menuntut di sana mengambil peluang untuk ke depan.




Biar salah tidak mengapa. Asalkan sudi dibetulkan, dan belajar dari kesalahan itu.

Biar terbukti bodoh, lalu kemudiannya belajar menjadi pandai. Itu lebih baik dari selesa hidup dalam kebodohan yang disembunyikan!

Terima kasih kepada peserta PERMAI’08 kerana bingkas bangun dan segera membuktikan bahawa perubahan itu tidak sesukar yang disangkakan.


Dari manakah keyakinan itu bisa dicari?

Pertamanya, kita harus yakin bahawa Allah tidak menciptakan manusia itu ada yang pandai dan ada yang bodoh. Sebaliknya, Allah menciptakan manusia itu berbeza-beza kepandaian. Kejayaan pertama seorang manusia yang Aqil lagi Baliqh ialah pada kejayaannya mengenal potensi diri.

Sesungguhnya Kami telah menciptakan manusia dalam bentuk yang sebaik-baiknya [Al-Tin 95: 4]

Cerminkan diri dengan mengambil teladan dari orang lain yang berjaya, tetapi yang realiti itu tetap si insan yang berdiri di depan cermin. Jangan sibuk hendak menjadi orang lain, sebaliknya berusahalah untuk menjadi diri sendiri. Cari keistimewaan diri… dan bertandinglah dengan diri sendiri.

“Macam mana caranya?”, itu persoalan yang berbaki.

“Kuncinya ialah, lakukan setiap sesuatu dalam hidup ini secara bersungguh-sungguh. Nescaya kita akan cepat mengenal batas upaya dan juga potensi diri. Berenang biar sampai ke tepian. Alang-alang menyeluk pekasam biar sampai ke pangkal lengan!”

Sekali lagi, budaya cincai dan buat kerja acuh tidak acuh itu menjadi musuh kepada perkembangan diri.


“Ustaz, saya rasa dulu saya lebih berkeyakinan diri. Berani ke depan, selalu bersuara. Tetapi semenjak saya bertudung, saya rasa saya mengalami masalah yang ustaz sebutkan. Kurang keyakinan diri. Banyak mendiamkan diri. Tidak lagi seperti dulu!”, keluh seorang peserta kepada saya.

Saya amat menghargai perkongsian peserta tersebut kerana ia menyingkap satu lagi sudut yang boleh sama-sama saya dan kita semua fikirkan.

Pada pandangan saya, ketika proses ‘hijrah’ itu berlaku, secara tanpa sedar seorang muslimah itu hidup dalam mindset bahawa dia sedang berubah dan jadi berbeza dengan sebelumnya. Dirinya bukan sahaja berbeza dengan dirinya yang terdahulu, malah sedikit demi sedikit merasakan dirinya berbeza dari rakan-rakan yang mengelilingi… dan terus hidup dalam lingkungan perbezaan.

Perasaan yang sebegitu, secara sedar atau tidak membina tembok.

Tembok itu bukan tembok pemisah, tetapi tembok untuk menyembunyikan diri.

Kita mula menyembunyikan diri di balik tembok (tudung?) itu.

Saya istilahkan keadaan ini sebagai SINDROM MENARIK DIRI.

Bergembiralah kerana kalian adalah ‘anggur, oren, pisang dan tembikai’ yang terbaik atas perbedaan


“Apa yang patut saya buat, ustaz?”, tanyanya jujur.

Saya bukanlah Profesor Serba Tahu yang ada jawapan untuk setiap soalan. Namun, apa yang boleh saya kongsikan, saya kongsikan demi kebaikan.

“Jika ukhti sudah mengenal pasti bahawa tudung itu hanya perubahan ke arah mendekati Allah, maka dekatkan diri kepada Allah tetapi teruskan juga mendekati manusia dan jangan menarik diri. Kekalkan malu tetapi hapuskan segan!”, saya menyimpulkan perkongsian.

Anak Malaysia di bumi Indonesia harus tinggi keyakinan diri.

Kami di kampung halaman memerlukan insan biasa yang luar biasa. Jangan pulang sebagai orang yang biasa-biasa aja!

56000 Kuala Lumpur

Ezam:Langkah setapak ke hadapan Pak Lah

Sesuatu yang agak menarik juga apabila terlalu ramai yang bersetuju mengatakan bahawa gerak kerja Pak Lah dilihat terlalu lemah sebagai perdana Menteri dan presiden UMNO.Walaupun saya setuju juga mengatakan bahawa Pak Lah tidak begitu sesuai untuk mengisi jawatan itu,tetapi sebagai rakyat biasa saya tidak mampu untuk melakukan sesuatu agar beliau berhenti dari memegang jawatan tersebut sebagaimana yang sedang dilakukan oleh ramai pihak di luar dan di dalam UMNO khususnya mantan Perdana Menteri 'Mahathir and the son' sendiri.

Bagi saya Pak Lah berhak untuk mempertahankan 'egonya' daripada terus digugat oleh sesiapapun.Itu adalah sebahagian daripada perjuangan hidupnya yang telah 'ditakdirkan' memegang jawatan sebagai Perdana Menteri dan sekaligus Presiden UMNO.Oleh kerana kedudukannya yang telah berada di situ,jadi saya hanya boleh mengulas sahaja(setakat ini yang mampu)bacaan politik semasa mengikut pemahaman sendiri.

Keadaan politik semasa adalah begitu menarik untuk diikuti.Setelah Tsunami politik melanda berbagai lagi ujian dan badai yang menerjah ke dalam diari politik Pak Lah.Daripada desakan meletakkan jawatan oleh 'Mahathir and the son',peralihan kuasa kepada Najib,cabaran Ku li untuk jawatan presiden,lompat parti dan sebagainya,semuanya menuntut untuk ditangani dengan teliti satu demi satu untuk survival...

Dalam banyak tekanan itu,gangguan daripada mantan Perdana Menteri dan anaknya Mukhriz adalah antara yang mendapat perhatian terus darinya.Hari ini Pak Lah melangkah setapak lagi kehadapan dalam usaha mengekang 'kumpulan pelampau' daripada terus menggugat kedudukan ekslusifnya sebagai Perdana Menteri dan Presiden UMNO.Siang tadi beliau mengumumkan penerimaan masuk Ezam Mohd Noor ke dalam UMNO.Ada nada keceriaan dari suara dan riak muka.Mungkin baginya itulah kejayaan pertama daripada usaha membebaskan badan kehakiman dan badan pencegah rasuah walaupun ianya baru pada peringkat pengumuman yang belum tentu sejauh mana kesungguhan dalam perlaksanaannya nanti.Pengumuman itu barangkali sudah cukup untuk membuatkan Ezam berpuas hati dan merasakan tidak ada ruang lagi untuk berjuang di luar melainkan melalui UMNO juga.

Ezam adalah bakat bersinar yang 'terlepas pandang' oleh penggilapnya sendiri Anwar Ibrahim.Kemasukan Ezam ke dalam UMNO sudah tentu akan menjawab 'kebuntuan yang sengal' dalam pemuda UMNO ekoran tersepitnya Khairy antara Hishamudin,Mukhriz dan Khir Toyo.Sudah tentu harapan akan disandarkan kepada Ezam untuk barangkali membantu 'menjaringkan gol' dari hantaran cantik Khairy ke gawang lawan.Suara Ezam yang terkenal lantang dan konsisten semasa berjuang bersama Keadilan dulu pasti akan sedikit sebanyak boleh 'membantu'.Itupun andai kehadirannya dalam UMNO kini boleh diterima ramai sebagaimana beliau sebelum dipecat bersama Anwar oleh Mahathir dulu.

Mampukah Ezam berperanan membantu Pak Lah dalam usaha mengekang pihak lawan samada dari luar dan dalam UMNO..?sama samalah kita ikuti episod seterusnya nanti.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Jernihkan fikrah sebelum berdakwah

“Saya mahu sertai program PAS, program JIM, program ABIM dan ikut Tabligh keluar sebab saya sudah bosan dengan perpecahan”, kata seorang anak muda kepada saya.

Saya mengangguk.

Kemudian menggelengkan kepala.

Saya bersetuju dengan keluhannya bahawa kita semua sudah bosan dengan perpecahan. Tetapi saya menggelengkan kepala kerana tidak bersetuju dengan formulanya untuk mengatasi perpecahan itu.

“Tentu sahaja idea itu baik dan saya menyokongnya, jika anda meletakkan diri sebagai penyokong dan kekasih Islam”, saya cuba menjelaskan sebab saya menggelengkan kepala pada separuh kedua kenyataan pelajar tersebut.

“Tetapi jika anda seorang pendokong dan kekasih yang berkasih dengan Islam, anda harus lebih teliti, rasional dan realistik”, saya menyambung.

“Maksud ustaz?”, tanyanya kepada saya.

Asalnya saya kurang berminat bercakap tentang hal ini. Terserahlah kepada anak-anak muda ini untuk mencari cara terbaik bagi mereka ‘menolong agama Allah’. Tetapi option yang terlalu terbuka menyebabkan mereka meraba-raba di bawah sinar mentari, bukan purnama.

“Izinkan ustaz membuat satu analogi”, saya cuba memudahkan perbualan.


“Jika kita seorang pengguna ubat gigi, kita bebas untuk memilih ubat gigi yang sesuai dengan keperluan kita. Pilih sahajalah mana-mana ubat gigi yang ada di pasaran kerana semua ubat gigi itu umumnya berkongsi tujuan… memutih dan menyihatkan gigi kita…

… tetapi jika kita bekerja sebagai seorang pegawai penyelidik di sebuah kilang ubat gigi, atau pegawai pemasaran, malah pekerja subordinate di kilang tersebut, adalah mustahil untuk syarikat kilang itu membenarkan anda pada masa yang sama bekerja di syarikat ubat gigi yang lain!”, saya menyudahkan penjelasan.

“Kenapa pula?”, tanyanya dalam kekeliruan.

“Aih… takkan tanya ‘kenapa pula’? Anda akan bertindan waktu kerja, anda akan bertindan strategi pemasaran, anda akan bertindan pelbagai kepentingan dan siapakah yang akan anda berikan keutamaan?”, saya agak terkejut dengan kekaburan fikiran beliau.

“Setiap kumpulan Islam, mempunyai maksud dan tujuan besar yang sama. Tetapi malangnya mereka berbeza jalan dan pendekatan hingga ada yang bertembung dan bertentangan. Ada yang mahu sampai kepada Islam dengan memanfaatkan ruang di dalam demokrasi, ada yang mahu sampai kepada Islam dengan berperang berpatah arang dengan demokrasi… itu contohnya”, saya menyambung.

“Ada kumpulan yang menganggap penglibatan dan keprihatinannya terhadap persoalan siasah dan isu semasa sebagai suatu kelebihan, manakala ada kumpulan yang menganggap pendirian non partisannya sebagai prinsip yang mesti dipertahankan. Maka, anda boleh menghadiri program semua kumpulan ini, jika kehadiran yang anda maksudkan itu adalah sebagai peserta program umum, outreach dan anda hadir sebagai orang yang hanya mahu menerima. Bukan memberi!”, tambah saya.

“Dan ustaz sering mengingatkan kami bahawa penglibatan kita di dalam dakwah harus untuk memberi, bukan menerima, betul tak?”, tanyanya.

“Yang ini ustaz angguk 100%”, saya tersenyum.


Dalam beragama dan berdakwah untuk menolong agama, apa yang perlu kita fikirkan bukan hanya pada soal apa manfaat yang kita dapat. Jika itu sahaja yang menjadi pertimbangan kita, maka tidak hairanlah kita ini mungkin menjadi orang yang paling banyak tahu, tetapi tidak berguna dan bernilai di sisi Islam, kerana tiada keinginan memberi.

Seronok mengaji tetapi tidak sampai kesedaran tentang tuntutan mengajar.

Kata Nabi SAW:

“Sebaik-baik kamu adalah dia yang paling bermanfaat kepada manusia”

Maka seorang mukmin yang mengikut jalur kenabian akan segera mahu memberi sejurus selepas menerima, apatah lagi dalam soal-soal kebaikan:

“Tidak sempurna iman sesiapa dari kalangan kamu sehingga dia itu suka untuk saudaranya, apa yang disukainya untuk diri sendiri”

Dalam erti kata yang lain, penglibatan seseorang di dalam sebuah gerakan Islam, bukan hanya dengan maksud mahu menjadi penyokong, pengambil manfaat dan penerima semata-mata, tetapi mahu bergerak setapak lagi ke depan dengan menjadi pendokong, penyumbang manfaat dan pemberi pula.

Apabila seseorang itu mahu menjadi pendokong, penyertaannya bersama sebuah gerakan Islam haruslah atas dasar kebersamaan, saling percaya mempercayai, atau dengan bahasa yang lebih kemas, dengan merujuk kepada rukun-rukun komitmen yang disebut sebagai arkaan al-bai’ah yang sepuluh oleh Hasan al-Banna.

Justeru, tidak mungkin di peringkat taaruf menuju takwin, untuk seseorang itu menjadi anggota sebuah kumpulan Islam, dan dalam masa yang sama turut menganggotai kumpulan-kumpulan yang lain, dengan alasan mahu mengambil manfaat sebanyak mungkin.


Kebarangkalian dari segi strategi bergerak, mungkin ada ruang yang membolehkan. Ramai sahaja ahli JIM yang turut menjadi aktivis PAS. Ada sahaja aktivis PAS yang dipinjamkan ke PKR dalam pilihanraya. Tetapi ini bergerak di dalam kerangka siasah, tidak dalam agenda tarbiyah.

Oleh yang demikian, idea ‘pelik’ sesetengah kita yang memilih JIM supaya boleh menyokong PAS tanpa risiko, harus disemak semula, terutamanya di kalangan warga menara gading. Itu idea politik, bukan idea tarbiyah.

Tarbiyah itu ialah proses mengacu dan membentuk, sebelum diguna pakai di lapangan yang pelbagai termasuk siasah. Maka proses pembentukan fikrah tidak akan berhasil jika tajarrud dalam pemikiran tidak dibentuk. Pemikiran akan lebur dan mencetuskan krisis identiti dan fikri.

Akhirnya kita sendiri tidak tahu apa yang kita tahu dan tidak tahu apa yang kita percaya. Amal bagaimanakah yang boleh terbit dari kekaburan fikrah dan kepercayaan seperti ini?

Era pentarbiyahan itu adalah era pembentukan (takwin). Ia seumpama kilang untuk menghasilkan sesuatu produk. Kilang melahirkan da’ie.

Jika dipinjam analogi ubat gigi itu tadi, maka di atas rak pasar raya, sepuluh jenama ubat gigi boleh duduk sebelah menyebelah dan terpulang kepada pengguna untuk memilih atas pertimbangan masing-masing.

Tetapi semasa ubat gigi itu di kilang masing-masing, tidak mungkin formula ubat gigi Colgate© dicampur dengan formula Sensodyne© lalu dikotakkan dengan pakej Darlie©. Di kilang Colgate©, semuanya harus Colgate©. Campur aduk yang tidak menentu dalam menghasilkan produk ubat gigi, hanya akan menyebabkan pengguna keliru dan membuat kesimpulan mudah bahawa ubat gigi Colgate© berkotakkan Darlie© ini bukanlah kombinasi formula, tetapi ubat gigi palsu semata.

Seorang aktivis JIM itu perlu jelas pada kefahaman dirinya apakah yang menjadikan dirinya itu seorang ahli JIM. Soal komitmen, kepercayaan, menjaga kerahsian, dan tanggungjawab dilaksanakan secara ‘yang berat sama dipikul, yang ringan sama dijinjing’.

Begitu juga dengan aktivis PAS. Penyertaannya di dalam gerakan Islam itu harus atas dasar al-fahmu, memahami dan menghayati fikrah dan perjuangan PAS, serta sama-sama mendokong gerak kerja yang diputuskan bersama. Apakah beza pemikirannya dengan kumpulan lain seperti Hizb al-Tahrir atau ABIM, ia harus jelas dan terbina secara tersusun lagi kemas melalui agenda tarbiyah masing-masing. Mengetahui perbezaan bukan untuk mencetuskan perbalahan, tetapi supaya boleh mendefinisikan diri.

Bagi yang mencelah dengan idea “ana Muslim, full stop“, boleh berehat di tepi padang sehingga dijemput masuk. Saya sedang cuba menyelesaikan sindrom “tepat tetapi tidak jelas”.


Tinggal satu lagi persoalan penting iaitu di manakah soal kerjasama dan penyatuan itu boleh berlaku?

Atas dinamika fikrah masing-masing, sikap (attitude) yang positif, kecenderungan kepada titik persamaan mengatasi perbedaan, di situlah kerjasama harus dibina.

Halangan kerjasama, bukanlah pada berbeza jemaah atau berlainan fikrah. Musuh kerjasama dan perpaduan ialah SIKAP dan SERKAP. Serkap fikiran berupa prasangka dan andaian di zon selesa masing-masing.

Akan tetapi, cabaran akan menjadi lebih kritikal jika cubaan penyatuan dibuat di atas kekaburan dan kekeliruan. Tidak memahami apa yang menjadikan JIM itu JIM, PAS itu PAS, lantas mencadangkan titik yang tidak kena dengan realiti.

Atau dalam bahasa yang lebih mudah, tentukan dahulu apa yang kamu percaya, siapa diri kamu, dan di situlah bermulanya usaha besar untuk kerjasama dan penyatuan yang diimpikan.

Fikrah saya jelas dan di atas kejelasan itu, saya tidak mempunyai apa-apa masalah untuk pergi ke mana-mana program, bekerjasama dengan sesiapa sahaja dan seterusnya membantu pada apa yang boleh dibantu. Semuanya harus didahului oleh usaha menentukan apa yang kita percaya lantas menentukan siapa kita.


“Tak ada dalil ke ustaz? Main logik akal sahaja?”, tanya pelajar tersebut.

“Ini common sense. Pemikiran yang tidak logik, adalah musuh kepada dalil! Betulkan cara berfikir sebelum meminta dalil.”, itu sahaja yang mampu saya jawab buat masa ini.

Ayuh kemaskan fikrah, untuk kelancaran dakwah.

56000 Kuala Lumpur

Monday, May 26, 2008

Baia'h dan hukumnya di sisi syura

Tiada Islam melainkan dengan jemaah, tiada jemaah melainkan dengan kepemimpinan, dan tiada kepemimpinan melainkan dengan ketaatan” – Umar al-Khattab r.a.

Baiah merupakan perjanjian untuk memberi ketaatan, manakala orang yang melakukannya seolah-olah membuat janji setia untuk menyerahkan dirinya dan urusan kaum Muslimin kepada amir atau ketuanya. Ianya merupakan perbuatan sunnah Nabi S.A.W. yang pernah diberikan oleh para sahabat beberapa kali kepada Rasulullah S.A.W. seperti Baiatul Aqabah Pertama dan Kedua, serta Baiatul Ridhwan.

Imam al-Bukhari meriwayatkan dari Junaidah bin Abi Umayyah dari ‘Ubaidah bin Al-Samit yang menyatakan:”Rasulullah S.A.W. telah memanggil kami, lalu kami pun memberi baiah kepada baginda… kemudian `Ubaidah berkata:”Di antara perkara yang diminta kami berjanji ialah; Kami berjanji mendengar dan mentaati (Rasulullah) dalam perkara yang kami sukai atau benci, dalam keadaan kami susah dan senang, tidak mementingkan diri sendiri, tidak membantah terhadap amir (ketua) dalam urusan-urusan kecuali kami melihat kekufuran terhadap Allah secara nyata dengan bukti yang terang dan jelas.”
(dari Sahih Bukhari)

Menunaikan baiah adalah wajib manakala melanggarnya merupakan maksiat. Ibnul Juzi Al-Maliki pernah berkata:“Kita tidak harus menentang kerajaan (yakni kerajaan Islam) sekalipun (pimpinannya) melakukan kezaliman sehinggalah ternyata kepada mereka kekufuran yang jelas, ketaatan mestilah diberikan kepada mereka sama ada dalam perkara yang disukai mahupun dibenci kecuali mereka memerintahkan supaya melakukan maksiat, maka dalam keadaan demikian tidak ada ketaatan kepada makhluk yang bermaksiat kepada Allah.”
(Qawaniyyin Fiqhiyyah 14)

Taat dan Hukum Syara’

Taat ertinya menurut perintah. Apabila tidak berlaku, maka maksiat dan fitnah yang menggantikan tempatnya. Memberi ketaatan adalah WAJIB selama tidak termasuk dalam perkara maksiat atau yang membawa kepada maksiat sebagaimana firman Allah:

“Wahai orang yang beriman, taatilah Allah dan Rasul(Nya) dan Ulil-Amri dari kalangan kamu. Kemudian jika sekiranya kamu berselisih dalam sesuatu urusan, maka kembalilah kepada Allah (Al-Quran) dan Rasul (hadis-hadis), jika kamu benar-benar beriman kepada Allah dan Hari Kemudian. Yang demikian itu lebih baik (bagimu) dan lebih bagus kesudahannya.”
(Al-Nisa’: 59)

Diriwayatkan dari Abu Hurairah r.a, bahawa Rasulullah S.A.W. bersabda:

“Barangsiapa yang mentaatiku bererti ia telah mentaati Allah. Barangsiapa yang menderhakaiku maka ia telah menderhakai Allah. Barangsiapa yang mentaati amirku bererti ia taat kepadaku dan barangsiapa yang menderhakai amir-amirku bererti ia telah menderhakaiku.”

Rukun-rukun Baiah

As-Syahid Imam Hassan Al-Banna telah merumuskan tentang rukun-rukun baiah dengan berkata:”Rukun baiah kita sepuluh semuanya, peliharalah ia dengan sebaik-baiknya.”

1. Faham
Memahami dan meyakini bahawa fikrah kita adalah fikrah Islamiyyah sejati dan hendaklah kita memahami Islam sebagaimana pimpinan memahaminya berdasarkan kepada prinsip dua puluh yang telah ditetapkan. (rujuk Apa Ertinya Saya Menganut Islam)

2. Ikhlas
Berniat bahawa segala perbuatan, perkataan dan perjuangan jihad adalah kerana Allah dan untuk mendapatkan keredhaanNya dengan tidak mengharapkan keuntungan. Dengan niat yang ikhlas ini kita akan menjadi tentera yang setia kepada fikrah dan aqidah.

3. Amal
Melakukan perbaikan (islah) terhadap diri, membina rumahtangga Muslim, membimbing masyarakat, membenaskan tanahair membetulkan kerajaan sehingga benar-benar bersifat Islam dan sebagainya.

4. Jihad

”Sesiapa yang mati dalam keadaan tidak pernah berperang dan pernah berniat untuk berperang bererti beliau mati dalam keadaan jahiliyyah”

Jihad dan pengorbanan merupakan syarat utama bagi perjalanan dakwah ini. Dakwah tidak sekadar memberi penerangan lisan ataupun melalui tulisan sahaja tetapi lebih daripada itu. Terdapat berbagai-bagai cabang jihad, seperti jihad menuntut ilmu, jihad menentang hawa nafsu malahan jihad juga merangkumi aktiviti mempertahankan kesucian syariat Islam dalam apa jua bentuk sekalipun!
Terdapat marhalah-marhalah dan peringkat jihad dalam Islam. Mengikut pandangan Imam Ibnul Qayyim, jihad melalui medah peperangan sebagai contohnya, pada peringkat pertamanya adalah dilarang, kemudian, pada peringkat kedua dibenarkan dan seterusnya dituntut ke atas golongan Musyrikin.
Namun sejak kebelakangan ini, timbul banyak penafsiran tentang definisi jihad yang meragukan, bertujuan untuk mengaburi umat Islam dari memenuhi tuntuhan berjihad sepertimana yang dituntut oleh Islam.
*rujuk Syed Qutb (1994)

5. Berkorban
Mengorbankan jiwa, harta benda, masa, kehidupan dan segala sesuatu untuk tujuan mencapai matlamat. Mementingkan maslahat umum lebih daripada kepentingan diri sendiri juga termasuk dalam rukun ini. Diri sendiri dianggap sebagai pemberian Allah yang perlu dipelihara tetapi jemaah ialah amanah tertinggi yang perlu diberi keutamaan.

6. Taat
Mematuhi perintah dan melaksanakan dalam segala keadaan sama ada disukai ataupun dibenci. Namun taat bukan bermakna menerima tiada ruang perbincangan antara jundi dengan pimpinan, bukan pula bermakna mematuh dan melaksanakan apa jua bentuk perintah tanpa sebarang pengetahuan ke atas perkara yang dilakukannya.
*rujuk Fathi Yakan (1996) dan M Natsir (1980)

7. Tetap Pendirian
Terus menerus beramal dengan bersungguh-sungguh untukmencapai matlamat sekalipun memakan masa yang begitu lama sehinggalah kita bertemu Allah dalam keadaan beramal dan berjihad.

8. Tegas (Tajarrud)
Membersihkan fahaman (fikrah) dari segala pengaruh prinsip mahupun individu-individu yang bertentangan dengan fikrah kita kerana fikrah ini adalah yang tinggi dan lengkap kerana Allah. Ianya juga bermakna tegas dalam melaksanakan perintah Allah di segenap bumi ini serta redha dalam perkara maksiat dalam apa jua keadaan sekalipun.

9. Persaudaraan (ukhuwwah)
Mempertautkan ikatan hati-hati dan ruh-ruh antara kita dengan ikatan aqidah kerana ikatan aqidah ini ialah ikatan yang paling kukuh dan berharga. Memelihara ikatan ukhuwwah merupakan perkara yang dituntut dalam Islam memandangkan umat Islam diikat dengan ikatan persaudaraan (aqidah) yang tinggi.

10. Percaya (Thiqah)
Thiqah bermaka kepercayaan jundi (tentera) kepada kemampuan dan keikhlasan pimpinannya sehinggakan menimbulkan rasa kasih, menghargai, menghormati dan memberi sepenuh ketaatan kepadanya.

“Barangsiapa yang beramal dengan ilmu yang diketahuinya akan diwariskan kepadanya ilmu yang tidak diketahuinya dari Allah S.W.T.”


1. Ahmad Abd al-Mun`im al-Badri, Tanzim Haraki Dalam Islam, Pustaka Salam,
2. Fathi yakan, Apa Ertinya Saya Menganut Islam, Dewan Pustaka Fajar, 1996
3. Fqhud-Da`wah, M Natsir, Singapura, 1980
4. Syed Qutb, Petunjuk Sepanjang Jalan, Cresent News, 1994

(Di petik dari blog roslan sms)

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Pemuda UMNO takutkan Mukhriz?

Tingkahlaku Mukhriz dalam UMNO dilihat sudah lama menentang arus,sejak ayahnya Mahathir mula menyerang Pak Lah lagi,paling lantang selepas UMNO dan kerajaan BN kalah teruk dalam pilihanraya march lalu,tindakannya menulis surat peribadi kepada Perdana Menteri agar bertanggungjawab dengan meletakkan jawatan ekoran dari kekalahan teruk dalam pilihanraya hanya sekadar diminta untuk menjelaskan pendirian sebenar tentang isi surat tersebut oleh Pemuda UMNO yang akhirnya menyaksikan beliau tidak dikenakan sebarang tindakan,malah pemuda UMNO 'berpuas hati'dan 'menerima penjelasan' yang diberikan olehnya.

Sejak bila pula UMNO 'menghalalkan budaya menentang arus' begitu..?

Jelas kelihatan dalam tindakan Pemuda UMNO itu,Mukhriz seolah olah mendapat perlindungan daripada ketua pemuda Hishamudin Hussin yang biasanya begitu garang apabila timbulnya isu yang dilihat menentang arus lebih lebih lagi apabila melibatkan Perdana Menteri dan Presiden UMNO.

Terbaru beliau mengulangi desakan setelah menyatakan pendiriannya untuk terus kekal di dalam UMNO berbanding ayahnya yang telah mengisytiharkan untuk keluar dari UMNO dengan alasan tidak lagi yakin dengan presiden UMNO Abdullah Hj Ahmad Badawi.

Lantaran dari tindakan Mukhriz itu,Ketua pemuda Hishamudin Hussin hanya menyatakan rasa kecewanya sahaja tanpa ada sebarang kenyataan yang boleh membuatkan Mukhriz berasa 'segan' atau berusaha untuk menarik balik kenyataannya itu.Samada ketua pemuda itu memang 'lembik' atau beliau adalah antara orang yang bersekongkol menggunakan Mukhriz untuk mendesak Pak Lah agar meletakkan jawatan.

Apa sudah jadi dengan UMNO sekarang ini..?

Pemimpin pemimpin UMNO seperti Najib,Muhyidin dan Hishamudin sebenarnya sedang berlakon di hadapan RAKYAT bahawa mereka masih lagi bersama dengan Pak Lah sedangkan pada hakikatnya mereka sedang mencari jalan bagaimana untuk menyingkirkan Perdana Menteri yang dikatakan lemah itu.

Adakah mereka benar benar berusaha untuk memulih dan mempertahankan UMNO dari terus pecah dan karam di lautan bergelora..?

Siapakah yang bertindak sebagai hulubalang UMNO dalam mempertahankan presidennya dari terus diperkotak katikkan oleh ahlinya sendiri..?

Nazri Aziz,Sharir Samad,Muhammad Taib dan Rafidah Aziz dilihat kadang kadang bangun juga bersuara tetapi suara mereka tidaklah begitu konsisten membuatkannya tidak begitu berkesan untuk menjinakkan mereka yang dilihat cuba untuk melawan arus.

Di mana Khairy ketika ini..?barangkali si menantu kesayangan ini sedang sibuk menyediakan bunga manggar untuk menyambut kedatangan Ezam yang mungkin dilihat mampu untuk berbuat sesuatu terhadap golongan penentang seperti Mahathir dan Mukhriz.

Yang nyata UMNO memang dilihat begitu lemah ketika ini,lautan begitu bergelora sedangkan kapal banyak yang telah rosak serta mengalami kebocoran di sana sini.Apa yang cuma boleh saya perkatakan di sini ialah:Alahai nakhoda...

Muqadimah Ali Syariati dalam bukunya: Hajj

As a person who is "knowledgeable about religion" and whose field of study

is "the history of religions", I reached the following conclusions as a

result of my study and research of the historical evolution of each faith

whereby I compared what the faiths were in the past and what they are now

as well as a comparison in the differences between the "truth" and the

"reality" of the faiths. My conclusion is not based on personal religious

feelings nor prejudices:

If we study and evaluate the effectiveness of each religion in terms of

the happiness and evolution of mankind, we will discover that there is

no prophecy which is as advanced, powerful, and conscious as the prophecy

of Mohammad (PBUH) (i.e. Islam and it's role in man's social progress,

self-consciousness, movement, responsibility, human ambition and struggle

for justice; Islam's realism and naturalness, creativity, adaptability

with scientific and financial progress and orientation toward civilization

and the community). Contemporaneously, we will discover that there is no

prophecy which has deteriorated and been transformed into a completely

different representation as much as the prophecy of Mohammad (PBUH)!

It seems that some power composed of all physical facilities as well as

knowledgeable advisors, openly or secretly has hired a group of the most

educated and intelligent philosophers of history, social scientists,

sociologists, social psychologists, politicians, human scientists,

theologists. orientalists, experts in Islamic studies, Quranic interpreters

and people who are familiar with Islamic literature, the social relations of

Muslims, the traditions of Muslims, the personalities of Muslims, the

weaknesses and strengths of Muslims, the interests of Muslims, the socio

economic behavior of Muslims, the roles of special people ... to completely

change the Islamic doctrine through the pursuit of cautious and scientific

research of Islam and Muslims!

As far as I know, from the practical and conceptual point of view, the most

important pillars of the Islamic doctrine which motivate the Muslim nation

and makes it's citizens conscious, free, honorable and socially responsible


Sejauh mana kita semua menghayatinya..

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Penyiaran Islam-Dari laungan azan hingga ke media

Tuesdبقلم د.محمد الحب
ay, 06 May 2008
دين ودنيا
الثورة 2/5/2008

الإسلام رسالة إعلامية, ومنذ أمر النبي الأكرم بالأذان خمس مرات كل يوم فإن رسالة الإعلام تحولت إلى نسك ديني, وقيم الإسلام كاملة تم اختصارها في سبع كلمات يؤديها الأندى صوتاً في كل مكان في الأرض وتصل إلى مسامع الناس,

وهي بكل تأكيد إجمال لرسالة الإسلام في نشر الفضيلة والهدى في العالم.‏

والإعلام في الإسلام مهنة ورسالة ولا يمكن أبداً أن تنفك رسالته عن وسائله, وباختصار فإن ثقافة الأدب والإعلام التي كانت سائدة قبل الإسلام: أعذب الشعر أكذبه, تم إصلاحها إسلامياً على حد قول حسان بن ثابت:‏

وإن أشعر بيت أنت قائله بيت يقال إذا أنشدته صدقا‏

ولكن إلى جانب الحديث عن القيم والمثل الإعلامية في الإسلام فإن هناك أكثر من تساؤل حول حجم الإعلام العربي وقوة تأثيره في الفضاء الإعلامي في الغرب خصوصاً.‏

هل نملك نحن في الواقع اليوم التأثير الكافي في زحمة التنافس الإعلامي الصاخب?‏

الإعلام العربي سابح في هذا الفضاء الذي خلقه الله, وهو مسموع مقروء هنا وهناك ولكن هل نستطيع القول إنه أصبح فاعلاً في معركة التفاعل الحضاري, هل أصبح مؤثراً بالفعل في الخطاب الإعلامي في العالم?‏

تبدو لغة الأرقام في هذا الجانب حساسة وبليغة ومؤثرة ولا أعتقد أننا نستطيع تجاوزها هنا, وبإمكان الحاسوب أن يقدم لنا من الأرقام ما يكفي للحجة والبرهان, فالأرقام محايدة وبإمكانها أن تقدم الإجابات بشكل لا جدل فيه.‏

على الرغم من كل النجاحات التي تكللت بها المسيرة الإعلامية لعدد من المؤسسات الإعلامية العربية, ولكن من الغرور القول إننا قد أصبحنا اليوم مؤثرين على مستوى الخطاب الإعلامي العالمي, وفي إطلالة سريعة لمعرفة حجمنا الإعلامي الحقيقي في العالم, فأنا أدعوك لقراءة هذه الأرقام:‏

قناة الجزيرة ربما كانت أبرز نجاح إعلامي عربي مرئي, وقد سجلت ظاهرة مثيرة على الواقع العربي وطرحت أكبر الأسئلة, وتوازيها في التأثير والمنزلة قناة العربية, وعلى الرغم من الإمكانات المادية الهائلة المرصودة لنجاح هاتين المحطتين فمن حقنا اليوم بعد نحو عشر سنوات من المسيرة الإعلامية لقناة الجزيرة أن نتساءل عن الدور الإعلامي على مستوى العالم الذي حققته الجزيرة في الحقل الإعلامي على الأقل?‏

يقدم محرك البحث الجبار غوغل إجابات حاسمة خلال ثوان قليلة لأكثر الأسئلة دقة وصعوبة, وفي قراءة سريعة أجريتها صباح 22/2/2008 تجد أن قناة الجزيرة على سبيل المثال باسمها الانكليزي aljazeera ورد في موقع غوغل العالمي 2.8 ملايين مرة فإن قناة ال CNN وردت في المحرك نفسه 82.8 ملايين مرة, وكذلك فإن كلمة BBC وردت 145 مليون مرة, في حين أن اسم العربية al-arabiya قد ورد 337000 مرة.‏

ومعنى ذلك أن قناة ال CNN لا تزال مصدر معلومات يروى عنها في العالم الأخضر أكثر من الجزيرة بنحو ثلاثين مرة وأن قناة ال BBC لا تزال مصدراً للأخبار أقوى من الجزيرة بنحو خمسين مرة على الأقل.‏

أما على صعيد الصحافة فإن صحيفة الشرق الأوسط العربية أوسع الصحف انتشاراً وهي تطبع في عدد من العواصم العالمية في وقت واحد وتتلقى دعماً خيالياً لتحافظ على موقعها كأبرز صحيفة عربية وأشهرها, ولكن مع ذلك فإن تأثيرها في الثقافة الغربية والصحافة العالمية لا يزال جد محدود, وحتى الآن فإن اسم الشرق الأوسط بصيغته في الصحيفة alsharq al awsat تكرر في موقع غوغل 3540 مرة في حين يتكرر اسم الغارديان guardian وهي صحيفة بريطانية مهمة ليست الأكبر أو الأشهر بالطبع ولكنها ذكرت في محرك غوغل نحو 67000000 مرة.‏

ويتكرر اسم القاهرة Cairo في محرك البحث 28 مليون مرة في حين أن كلمة لندن London تتكرر 602 مليون مرة, وتتكرر كلمة باريس Paris 597 مليون مرة, ويرد اسم سورية Syria 60 مليون مرة, في حين يتكرر ذكر فنلندا Finland 217 مليون مرة, ويتكرر اسم فلوريدا Florida وهي ولاية واحدة في أمريكا نحو 633 مليون مرة.‏

إن متابعة سريعة لهذه الأرقام ستجعلنا ندرك أننا لا زلنا شاطئاً رمادياً في هذا العالم إن لم نقل إننا لا زلنا في الأرض المجهولة المنطفئة النور, ومن المؤلم القول إن هذه المواقع تذكرنا عادة بالمعنى السلبي وليس بالمعنى الإيجابي, وبوسع كل أحد أن يراقب بالطبع هذه النتائج ويتأكد منها بل ويضيف عليها ويستخلص النتائج والعبر.‏

حقق الشيخ القرضاوي على سبيل المثال أعلى شهرة بين الدعاة الإسلاميين, ونال عن كفاءة واقتدار موقع المرجعية الفقهية لمعظم أبناء الأمة الإسلامية, وأسهم في ذلك بالطبع حضوره المباشر على الفضائيات, ولكن الصورة ليست كذلك في حجم التأثير على المشاهد الغربي الذي لا يتقن العربية, ففي المواقع الإنكليزية التي يستخدمها اليوم أكثر من نصف سكان الأرض فإن اسم يوسف القرضاوي Qaradawi يتكرر في محرك غوغل 326000 مرة في الحاسوب, أما شيخ الأزهر فقد تكرر اسمه Tantawi نحو 203000 مرة في حين أن جيري فالويل jerry falwell وهو واعظ أمريكي من مواليد 1933, وهو رائد المسيحيين المتصهينين, وأحد أبرز المبشرين بمشروع أرض الميعاد ومسؤولية أمريكا في حماية إسرائيل وتنفيذ نبوءات العهد القديم في إقامة إسرائيل ودعمها, يتكرر اسمه أكثر من 1510000 مرة.‏

أما البابا الألماني الجنسية بيندكت السادس عشر فعلى الرغم من أن عمره الإعلامي لا يزيد عن ثلاث سنوات فإن اسمه يتكرر في الويب 3630000 مرة أما البابا السابق فقد تكرر اسمه 11200000 مرة!!‏

وهكذا فإنه ببساطة يحضر البابا السابق على الأنترنت أكثر من شيخ الأزهر بخمس وخمسين مرة أما البابا الحالي فقد تجاوز شيخ الأزهر بثماني عشرة مرة!! أما الواعظ الأمريكي جيري فالويل فقد ورد أكثر من شيخ الأزهر بنحو ثماني مرات!!‏

ليست هذه الأرقام مقدودة على نسق إحباطنا بل هي في الواقع نتيجة حتمية لبحث رقمي أصم لا مجال فيه للعاطفة البشرية وإنما هي معطيات وأرقام يجمعها الحاسوب دون أي خلفية دينية أو تبشيرية!!‏

إن هذه الأرقام التي يوفرها الحاسوب تدعونا لإعادة النظر في مشروعنا الإعلامي, فإلى أي مدى تمكنا من شرح أنفسنا للعالم? وهل عرفنا العالم كما ينبغي, وهل تمكن الإعلام من المواجهة في عصر العولمة?‏

الرقم الآن يتجاوز خمسمئة محطة عربية على الفضاء وهناك عدد مماثل على المحطات الأرضية ولكن إلى أي مدى تقوم هذه المحطات بممارسة دور حواري وحضاري للتواصل مع العالم, يبدو أننا لن نبالغ في شيء إذا قلنا إننا لا نزال نخاطب أنفسنا, حتى تلك المحطات التي تتكلم الإنكليزية فإنها تزحم الفضاء بقضايا جدل الحجاز, ونجد, وصنعاء ولكن بلسان إنكليزي, وهذا يؤكد غيابنا عن المسرح الإعلامي الحقيقي الذي يرسم صورة العالم وشكله.‏

إنها محض إشارات حاسوبية ولكنها ستساعدنا في اكتشاف حجم الرسالة الإعلامية المطلوبة, وتكشف في الوقت نفسه حجم الغرور الذي نعيش فيه, نسمع الجعجعة ولا نرى طحناً, ولا نزال منذ عقود نخاطب أنفسنا ونغني في حماماتنا وندور في رحانا ونمجد ألقابنا, ونحن ننتظر أن يأتينا أباطرة الأرض ليعطوا الجزية عن يد وهم صاغرون.‏

أمام حقائق كهذه فإنه يسوغ السؤال هل نمتلك بالفعل القوة والتأثير لإيصال رسالتنا للعالم? ومواجهة الإسلاموفوبيا التي تشوه حضارتنا وتاريخنا كل يوم?‏

إنها معاناة من داخل الذات ولكن الأمر مرتبط أيضاً بالقدرة على الوصول إلى المنابر الغربية للتصحيح والتصويب ورفع الشبهات ولكن إلى أي مدى تمكن الخطاب الإسلامي من الوصول إلى المنابر الغربية?‏

ربما يبدو للبعض أن أفضل السبل للهروب من الكارثة هو في تلفزيون الواقع وهو اسم ذكي لإعلام عابث, وهو نمط من الإعلام العربي حول البيوت إلى كبريهات, وتعامل مع الإنسان العربي على أنه كتلة من الغرائز لا يزال يسيل لعابه لكل هز ولز, ولا أعتقد أننا نحتاج لنكرر السؤال: هل يمكن أن تقدم مصانع روتانا جيلاً مقاوماً? وبالطبع فليس لي طمع السؤال عن المقاومة الجهادية والفدائية!! فقط أنا أتساءل هنا عن المقاومة الفكرية والاجتماعية, عن موقف إنساني مسؤول لمواجهة تداعيات العولمة, وحماية الذات العربية التي حملت إلى العالم ذات يوم تراث الأنبياء.

Mengimarahkan peranan khutbah di masjid

Adnan Ibrahim
Sat | May 24, 08 | 11:00:50 am MYT(Hrkh)
Khutbah Jumaat di masjid hari ini membawa tajuk berjiwa remaja iaitu `Cinta Terlarang'. Tajuk ini juga sering kali diguna penulis cereka seperti novel dan cerpen atau skrip drama.

Apa maksud pihak berkuasa agama menggunakan tajuk tersebut? Mungkin juga satu provokasi untuk menarik jemaah masjid lebih mendengar khutbah daripada tidur di samping menarik remaja mengikuti kandungan khutbah yang disampaikan.

Apa yang pastinya dibarisan depan jemaah solat ramai golongan berusia berbanding golongan belia yang lebih suka duduk di belakang. Kemungkinan juga tajuk yang digunakan sebagai pendekatan di masa akan datang untuk menarik golongan belia lebih ke saf depan dalam masjid.

Bagaimanapun pengertian daripada khutbah yang ingin disampaikan katib itu lebih diberi keutamaan walaupun ia nampak tidak serius.

Perkara utama yang sukar dirungkai dalam masyarakat sekarang ialah bagaimana untuk mengatasi masalah manusia bercinta sehingga mengundang kemungkaran. Hal ini turut berlaku yang amat ketara dalam masyarakat umat Islam.

Umat Islam sekarang yang mudah menerima pemikiran Barat menjadikan cinta bermasalah itu walaupun dilarang dalam Islam sebagai satu budaya hidup malah setiap cara serta susun atur kehidupan lebih berlandaskan kepada menteliti tersebut.

Terutamanya perspektif bercinta sebelum kahwin dan di alam pertunangan. Ia seolah-olah telah menjadi lumrah dan perkara biasa dalam masyarakat umat Islam. Sedangkan apa yang diberitahu oleh khutbah tersebut cinta seumpama itu adalah terlarang.

Perkara inilah yang cuba dirungkaikan supaya umat Islam menjadi insan yang bermoral dan berakhlak tinggi. Katib bertanggung jawab menyampai dan menyelar perbuatan serta amalan terlarang itu. Tetapi apakah katib mampu mengubah amalan yang telah menjadi budaya dalam kehidupan seharian orang Islam?

Kata katib ketika menyampaikan khutbahnya di Masjid Sungai Mulia, cinta tersebut merupakan perkara yang dilarang dalam Islam. Cinta yang diberikan oleh Allah kepada insan adalah satu kemulian sebaliknya manusia menjadikan cinta itu sebagai tempat memuaskan hawa nafsu mereka.

"Cinta itu baik jika digunakan pada tempat yang baik sebaliknya ia jadi mungkar apabila digunakan pada tempat yang tidak baik," ujarnya. Ramai umat Islam yang kecundang dalam permainan perasaan ini kerana insan berlainan jenis yang tidak halal apabila berduaan akan datang yang ketiga iaitu syaitan.

Pihak berkuasa agama bertanggung jawab menyampaikan dakwah untuk mengubah perspektif yang telah lama tertanam dalam pemikiran umat Islam. Bagaimanapun ia bukanlah satu perkara yang mudah lebih-lebih lagi peranan televisyen yang sering menayangkan filem serta drama yang bentuknya bercanggah dengan agama.

Khutbah hanya mampu disampaikan seminggu sekali. Tajuk khutbah minggu depan lain pula yang ingin disampaikan. Sedangkan televisyen boleh dikatakan setiap hari menyiarkan drama bercinta sebelum kahwin.

Akhirnya pihak berkuasa agama kalah. Jadi sebaiknya pihak berkuasa agama yang ada kuasa gunalah kuasa. Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Dato' Zahid Hamidi ada. Janganlah hanya puji idea pembangkang bagus di Dewan Rakyat sedangkan pelaksanaannya tidak berlaku.

Pandangan pembangkang terutama PAS dalam soal agama bukan baru di parlimen. Tetapi sampai sekarang tidak ada tindakan terutama dalam pendekatan selari kementerian dalam menangani keruntuhan moral dan gejala akhlak.

Selagi keadaan ini tidak tercapai selagi itulah masalah tidak boleh diatasi. Perkara ini pernah ditegaskan oleh Ketua Pembangkang, Dato' Seri Tuan Guru Abdul Hadi Awang dahulu di Dewan Rakyat.

Walaupun kementerian pendidikan dan jabatan perdana menteri bahagian agama mahu mewujudkan manusia berakhlak sebaliknya kementerian lain terutama penerangan tidak bertindak selari malah lebih cenderung kepada hiburan yang akhirnya melalaikan manusia. - mns

Friday, May 23, 2008

Ezam ada hak untuk kecewa

Seperti mana Anwar,Ezam juga adalah seorang tokoh yang saya kenal dari jauh,kedua duanya mempunyai daya tarikan yang hampir sama sekalipun kelebihan harus diberikan kepada Anwar kerana pengalaman dan kerusi 'tok guru'nya kepada Ezam dalam kehidupan berpolitik.

Dalam usia 40an,beliau dilihat lebih matang dan berani untuk berdiri di atas kaki sendiri tanpa Anwar berbanding Azmin yang masih menumpang tuah dan karisma Anwar melalui PKR.Walau bagaimana pun faktor kecewa adalah jawapan yang paling dekat kepada persoalan mengapa beliau sanggup keluar meninggalkan PKR parti yang pernah beliau menjadi antara orang yang sama sama mengasaskannya dulu semasa Anwar masih di dalam penjara.

Kekecewaannya berasas kerana setelah berpenat lelah dengan segala macam pengorbanan,tiba tiba ada rakan yang lebih dulu untuk menawarkan diri dalam merebut jawatan tertinggi,malah kekecewaannya bertambah apabila hasrat itu turut disokong oleh gurunya sendiri Anwar,sekaligus sokongan itu secara moralnya menghantar diri beliau dalam kelompok mereka yang kalah.Saya juga pasti akan merasa kecewa andai berada pada kedudukan beliau pada waktu itu.

GERAK hanyalah berperanan sebagai tempat untuk mengubat hati yang luka,mengisi kekosongan agar tidak terlalu dihambat oleh rasa yang kecewa.

Selepas pilihanraya 8 march,tsunami politik menyaksikan PKR dan pakatan pembangkang menang banyak kerusi termasuk menguasai lima negeri malah ada ura ura mengatakan bakal mengambil alih kuasa kerajaan persekutuan.Dalam tempoh kegembiraan rakan rakan menyambut kemenangan besar itu di mana Ezam berada..?Sepi pasti makin mencengkam..

Sesuatu harus difikirkan segera agar tidak terlalu jauh ketinggalan di belakang,untuk tunduk kembali menumpang kasih dalam PKR pantang sekali,manakala PAS juga nanti lambat laun akan bersemuka juga dengan wajah wajah yang melukakan melalui kerjasama dalam Pakatan Rakyat.Lalu jalan yang paling selamat ialah UMNO yang sebenarnya tidak ada lagi seteru yang besar sebagaimana dulu sewaktu keluar bersama Anwar kerana tidak bersetuju dengan Mahathir.

Selepas Mahathir,tiada lagi seteru di dalam UMNO,Pak Lah sendiri bukanlah menjadi satu halangan yang besar dalam perjuangan politiknya andai dinilai kembali kepada asas keluarnya beliau dari UMNO dulu.Keluarnya Mahathir dari UMNO adalah satu saat yang paling sesuai dan relevan untuk Ezam kembali berjuang melalui UMNO sebagaimana dulu.Tambahan lagi dengan dasar terbaru Pak Lah yang bercadang untuk memulihkan sistem kehakiman dan badan pencegah rasuah amatlah bersesuaian dengan apa yang ingin diperjuangkannya dalam GERAK selama ini.

Malah perinsip Ezam itu tidak pernah tersasar dengan perinsip dan pegangan politik Anwar sendiri yang selalu mengungkapkan bahawa beliau tidak pernah memusuhi UMNO dan akar umbinya,bahkan tidak setuju dengan sikap beberapa kerat pemimpin tinggi yang rasuah.Kepada Ezam..selamat meneruskan perjuangan.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Leaving Islam - Apostasy in Islam

Written by Estes & Zarabozo
Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Do you really kill people when they leave Islam?

"What is the ruling of the shariah (Islamic Law) regarding someone who just doesn't want to be a Muslim and leaves Islam?" (from a Muslim)
- Somebody who probably watches too much TV or has been listening to someone with an attitude toward Islam has misinformed a lot of people. You are not alone. But there was a story about a Muslim in Afghanistan converting to Christianity some time back . . .
"Islam does not permit taking the life of any innocent person, ever. Changing one's mind about what to believe about Allah, does not by itself, incur any form of physical punishment according to Islamic Law." - Yusuf Estes

NOTE: Islam always deals with everyone in Justice and Equity. Oppression of any person, regardless of their religious belief is totally forbidded in the Islamic State on all levels. Islam means "willing submission to the Will of God in peaceful obedience", and as such, cannot be forced upon anyone, nor can anyone be converted to Islam against their will. When the laws of Islam are set in place they exist as a trust to protect God-given rights of everyone, under God's Laws. Islamic State provides advantages and benefits for all who live within its domain, as well as admonision and punishment for those who violate this trust and oppress others.

An important point to keep in mind, Islam like Judaism, served as a full and complete government as well as a religious way of life for their followers for many centuries, and there was absolutely no such thing as "secular" or seperation of "Church" and state. (Note: "church" here refers to the clergy's control of civil matters, rather than reference to the place of worship. Thus is would include the temple and the mosque for the sake of conversation)Leaving Islam on the basis of belief only and without offering any damage or oppression to others or to the Islamic State does not carry corporal or capital punishment, or any other type of punishment that I have found evidence for. In fact, there were cases at the time of the prophet, peace be upon him, where some had entered Islam, left Islam and then came back to Islam. Other cases people left and did not come back and lived on without any persecution or prosecution for that matter, whatsoever.

This article will endeavor to provide proper understanding in simple English of Arabic and Islamic terms and of Islamic view of those who apostate or leave the fold of Islam under varying circumstances.
I personally can not offer any judgment on this issue for two very clear reasons. <> First, I do not consider myself as a qualified scholar according to the regulations in Islam.<> Second, because I do not really know anything about the truth and evidences of this particular case. Therefore, I would not be interested in even offering an "arm-chair opinion". (There are already too many people ready to do this anyway)

"What happens to the one who leaves (apostates) Islam?"

Jazakallah khair and may Allah reward you for your question regarding those who become "murtid" (apostate from Islam): Your letter has caused me to finally sit down and prepare a complete written response this subject and it gives me the opportunity to also include this reply in our discussion boards on the Internet. I pray for you and ask Allah to reward you every time someone reads this and takes benefit from it, ameen. Please write back and let me know if the following research and presentation is of any benefit for you and for those whom you are sharing about Islam.You probably are aware I was once a Christian music minister and preacher, coming to Islam while trying to "convert" a Muslim from Egypt to Christianity. (full story on our website at: )As you must imagine, I had some very serious concerns over this very same question, before accepting to leave Christianity for Islam. After all, I didn't think anyone would kill me for doing so. It was only in the last few years I learned there is killing going on in some countries over the issue of family members and others converting to other religions. Yes! - even in these days! Egypt has cases of Christians killing someone for going to Islam, as well as the other way around. This is also true, according to the newspapers about someone in Israel going to Islam last year. And there is even a law in Chanai, India forbidden the public declaration of faith for anyone converting to Islam. I know that to be a fact, as I was there at the time of the tsunami and a man from Texas wanted to convert from Christianity to Islam while Dr. Zakir Naik's program was going on (the man's name was David) and the authorities would not allow it in public. They told me that there had been a series of murders as a result of a man converting from Hindu to Islam in the area and they just didn't want any more killings or civil riots. (I think "civil riots" is an oxymoron?)

I had discussed this issue of apostasy in great depth many times, even before making up my mind to leave almost 50 years of Christianity to become a Muslim. After all I thought, what if I would like to change my mind and go back to being a Christian or make some other choice along the way; what would the Muslims do to me then? So you are most correct to ask this and we will try our best to provide the answer from historical evidences of Islam.
But before we begin, I would like to observe your particular question because it is not a general question. It deals with a specific occurrence in a particular place in certain circumstances, which I would like to come back to in a brief moment.

Also there is something not correct in the question. The man did not recently convert. He was already a Christian even before the Taliban. I do not know all of the circumstances, but I have been informed by some of the actual people from Afghanistan the man in question (I think his name is Abdur Rahman or something similar) had been Christian for a long number of years and this incident was really based on something else, but what, I don't know.

The story presented in the news media these days is one of about an Afghani man who has been a Christian for over 16 years. This means he was a Christian throughout the entire time the Taliban were running the country there and obviously no one did anything to him throughout this time. Only now, with the western backed regime in place, are we hearing about this "problem." It does make a person wonder what is really going on there. Nevertheless, we will discuss the subject of how Islam views the one who leaves Islam, if God Wills (inshallah). To begin, there is not a hard and fast rule concerning this subject because there are perhaps as many reasons why people do what they do as there are people in the world. The answer must be based on each individual situation, as it depends largely on the person, his or her knowledge, intention and understanding as well as the conditions surrounding the circumstances.

Before we can begin, to be fair to those not familiar with Islamic terms and words, we must start by explaining to both Muslims and the non-Muslims alike, who might be wondering about the answer to such a question, what Islam is really all about and set the stage for them to better understand the actual ramifications of entering and/or leaving Islam. First, they have to understand what all of the relevant Arabic words and terms actually mean. You should explain exactly what "ISLAM" means and what is: Tawhid (monotheism); Ibadah (worship); Shar'iah (God's Commandments in Islamic Law); Fatwah (Islamic Judge's findings in Law and their subsequent rulings); Hudud (punishment); Murtid (apostasy).

It is important for anyone desiring to understand Islam's position on any subject, especially in such matters as this, to gain a firm grip on the importance of words being used and their meanings regarding the issues at hand. The first word to explain is:"Allah" - believe it or not, most people do not know the word "God" is a deficiency in the English language. There is no word for the "God" of Adam, Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon and Jesus, (peace be upon them all) in English. The word "god" is used both for the pagans and the monotheists. In order to distinguish between the two, the first letter "g" in the word is capitalized when written. However, this approach does help very much when beginning a sentence with the word as all sentences begin with capital letters.

Nor does it provide for any type of distinction when speaking as there would be no way to differentiate between "god" and "God. "Allah" is the appropriate word for the "God" of Jews, Christians and Muslims alike. There is a word in Arabic for "god" (note the small 'g'); it is "elah." The word "Allah" in Arabic comes from the same root, but it can not be made plural (as in: 'gods') nor can the word imply actual gender (as in: 'goddess'). Allah is the perfect word to describe the One God Almighty of the universe and it has been the word used by the writers of the Bible for both the Jews and Christians in the Arabic language for centuries. > "ISLAM" means; surrender, submission, obedience, sincerity and peace between God and His Creatures (us); to do "God's Will on earth, as it is in Heaven" > "Muslim" comes from the same root as "Islam" and it means: the one who believes in Allah and is complying with the Shari'ah of Islam) > Tawhid (monotheism) in Islam is - to believe in the One God of Adam, Abraham, Moses and Jesus and Muhammad, peace be upon them all, and to obey the Commandments of Allah according to His Will.

It is to worship Allah, Alone without any partners (see: First Commandment; Exodus, chapter 20) and to obey the prophets of Allah, worshiping Allah according to the way they did, and to be dutiful to the parents. (examples: Fifth Commandment; Exodus, chapter 20, Duet., chapter 5) feed the poor and care for the orphan, to always tell the truth, encourage good and forbid evil. Basically, it is to believe as mentioned by the New Testament (Mark: chapter 12:29) "Know O Israel, the Lord your God is One Lord; and you have to worship Him with all your heart and all your mind and all your strength. And I give you another Commandment like unto it, to love your neighbor as yourself." Ibadah (worship) only for Allah and not to anything in or of His Creation. All praise, worship, thanksgiving and supplications are for Him only. Quran (Recitation and actual Speech of Allah recorded in memory of Muhammad, peace be upon him, from the Angel Jibreel [Gabriel]. It was then passed on from mouth to ear and recorded in manuscripts perserved until now.

Quran is memorized by over 10,000,000 Muslims living on the earth today - 90% of whom are not even Arab, by the way. Quran is the Final Revelation and Last Testament from Allah to all mankind, as such it is considered by Muslims as the foundation for everything in the Shari'ah. Shar'iah (God's Commandments in Islamic Law) The Commandments of Allah in the Quran and the Sunnah (teachings of Muhammad, peace be upon him, as understood by the first generation of companions to Muhammad, peace be upon him). The shar'iah only applies to Muslims and those who live under the protection of the Islamic State (khalifate).Fatwah Findings in Law and their subsequent rulings, by jurists and Islamic scholars who have memorized the Quran and are experts in the classical Arabic language and have correct knowledge of the meaning of the revelation of Quran and the hadeeth.

Hadeeth Authentically recorded and preserved testimonies of eyewitnesses to accounts taking place concerning Muhammad, peace be upon him, and the revelation of the Quran. Hudud (punishment) The punishments to be initiated by those in authority according to Shar'iah as ordered according to appropriate fatawah (plural of fatwah). Murtid (apostasy) a Muslim who makes the choice to leave Islam (submission to God's Will).Next let them know, no one is ever forced or coerced into accepting Islam. This always was and always will be a matter of choice left up to the individual. Muslims are not ordered to "convert" people to Islam. Rather, they are ordered to deliver the message of Islam to others through their own righteous living as an example and in respectful "reminding" as taught in the Quran.

Islam (willful submission) to Allah's Shar'iah (God's Commandments in Islamic Law) and is the very balance needed for all humans for all times and in all places (according the teachings of Islam). The Paradise is reserved for only those who submit themeselves to the Commandments and Judgments of Almighty Allah. There is never to be forced conversion to Islam (if it were forced, then the word "Islam" would not really apply anyway), and it is forbidden according to the Quran, in the second chapter, verse 256: "Let there be no complusion in the religioin ("deen": actually means way of life as opposed to "religion"). From this we understand no one can be made to believe anything by force. Rather, it must be by their own decision.Now be sure they understand the difference between "Islam" and "Muslims", meaning: "Islam" is perfect, but we as humans (Muslims) are not. Therefore, we can and do make mistakes. This lets us know immediately if anyone is calling for something in the name of "Islam" or the "Shar'iah", this should be viewed in the evidence of the Shar'iah itself and not just what some jurist or scholar may conclude.

Finally, judges and scholars over the centuries have held different opinions and given various rulings based on all of the above. No one can make a blanket statement and say the same rule applies to all people in all situations.Let us review some of the evidences starting at the time of our prophet, peace be upon him. Even during the time of our prophet, peace be upon him, there were some who "left Islam" and then they were allowed to come back if they wanted to or stay away if they so desired. One example is from the Muslims who migrated in the first migration to Ethiopia and one of them left Islam, became a Christian (the people of Abyssinia were Christians at that time) and then even told people there he was an "author" of the Quran. Of course such actions are most despicable and worthy of some kind of reprimand, especially considering the extent of the lies against the Quran and the prophet, peace be upon him. Yet, nothing was done to this man by the Muslims. His wife, Zainab, could not tolerate his lies and his turning his back against the truth of Islam and she returned back to the Muslims in Arabia. After the man died the Christians attempted to bury him, but the next day they found his body out of the grave and laying on the ground.

Considering the Muslims must have done this act, they moved him to another area and buried him there. Again, the next day they found his body out of the grave and on top of the ground. So, they took him far from there and made another grave and buried him in it. But again, the next day his body was out of the grave and laying on the ground. At this point they decided the ground would not accept his body and they left it for the wild animals. We learn from this example Allah will be the One to finally deal with these people and He may even do so in this world as well as on the Day of Judgment.Other examples include those who entered Islam in the presence of our beloved prophet, peace be upon him, yet when they were returned back to their people (during an agreement between the pagans and Muhammad, peace be upon him) some of them reverted back to their old pagan religion.

Some of them did come back to Islam again later on after Islam came to be the governing state. In this case we observe what can happen in the case of the one who is in Islam and then for whatever reason decides not to stay.Yet another example that occurred at the time of our blessed prophet, peace be upon him, was that of some who pretended they wanted to be Muslims only to take advantage of the believers, gain some worldly benefits and then abused and slaughtered an entire group of shepherds that memorized the entire Quran, who were caring for them. They killed them in cold blood and took everything for themselves. The prophet, peace be upon him, was very disturbed over this and ordered them to be severely punished and left to die without any food or water. From this example we learn how to deal with traitors and terrorists who have no intention of doing anything except evil and spreading fitnah (evil and terror) throughout the land.Over the centuries since the inception of Islam, we can find cases of people leaving Islam and what was their example and what the pervailing jurists decided in their particular situation.

Most all of these were not punished except in the cases of treason, other acts of viloence or for propagating corruption, dissention and promoting evil along with their apostasy. Those who were found to be causing sedition or of being enemy spies during times of war or advocating the overthrow of Islamic government could understandably be courtmartialed and executed. Now let us breifly compare the treatment of conversion and apostasy with other civilizations and societies over the centuries. The Roman civilization would not tolerate someone who accepted the benefits of citizenship and the turned against the government. These people were made short work of as entertainment for the people, while gladiators tortured and killed them for public sport. (see: Encyclopedia Britanitca; Rome).It may benefit us to take into consideration Judaism and Christianity to better understand the difference between what is being taught as the religion and what some people do. The Book of Genesis in the Torah (Old Testament) tells of an incident referred to by Scholars such as Rabbi Allison Bergman Vann, as the "Rape of Dinah."

(note#3 & #4 below) It is easy to conclude the offer of circumcizing and coming to their religion was only a trick to defeat the men while they were in such pain and suffering (keep in mind, in those days there were no clinics or even sterile conditions for such operations). Another reference to "conversion and apostasy" regarding Jews during the years after Jesus, peace be upon him, occurred in the south of Arabia in Yemen. Yusuf Dhu Nawas, a Jewish leader in Yemen, attacked the Christians of Najran ordering them to embrace Judaism or be burned in a pit of fire. Estimates put the number of those killed between 20,000 and 40,000.

(note #5 below) The Catholic Church at one time forced people to enter into their religion at the point of the sword and with torture chambers (see: Crusades, 1095 to 1200 A.D.; and Inquisition, 1492 to 1520 A.D.) Those who wished to remain or change to Islam or Judaism or even another form of Christianity were put to the most vile of tortures and even executed. However, this cannot be said to in any way, represent the teachings of Jesus or the New Testament.Now let us consider the realities of balance in Islam in light of today's world:There is no existing Islamic state with a khilafah. This means the hudud (punishment according to Islam) of the Shar'iah (Islamic Law) cannot be appropritely applied. Additionally, anyone not being a citizen living in an Islamic state could hardly be tried and convicted by the state in a proper manner.

(note #6 below)Some would claim the Protestants are not the same as the Catholics. Read what the first real "protestant," Martin Lurther, had to say about this (taken from Jamal Udeen Zaraboza's article).Let us consider the follow example for comparison:

> There is a person living in Russia decides he wants to become a citizen of the United States and goes to the United States Embassy and begins the procedure of immagration and naturalization. Later on he changes his mind, doesn't like things the US is doing and decides to give it up.

> Now he cancels his immagration process. This would could lessen his chances of getting citizenship in the future but would not bring about retaliation against him from the US.

> Then, if he begins to publicly speak out against the US policy and puts up websites, sends out emails makes speeches calling for acts of violence against America, he definitely is going to have a problem ever getting a chance a citizenship later if he should change his mind and like to become an American.

> Next, he goes so far as to actually recruit people and train them at some paintball place while telling them they are preparing to attack America.

<>Question: Is he going to be listed as a terrorist and enemy to America?

<> What about those who joined him for paintball practice and listened to his talks? Would they be listed along with him, as terrorists?

<> Would they be tortured (in some other country) and then spend the rest of their lives in prison?

! > After all, they are enemies to the state and should be treated as such. Right?To conclude, Islam comes from Allah, the actual Creator and Sustainer of the universe. Islam provides for all situations and dictates what are the rights and limitations. This all seeks to provide a safe enviornment for all people to learn the correct message of Almighty Allah and how to live as upright citizens in a place of pleace and mutual cooperation for all humans, regardless of their beliefs.

If a person wants to accept this belief and way of life, then they should be free to do so. If another person would reject this even though the evidence is clearly in favor of Islam, they are free to make this choice but would live in the society still receiving the benefits and services available, such as food, shelter, clothing, protection and charity. However, they would pay a larger tax on their wealth due to their not being conscripted to serve in the military and so on.Conditions are really what bring about the different rulings on dealing with those who enter Islam and then leave it, with the clear intention of bringing about descention and unrest amongst the people.

Also, those who seek to convert people away from Islam into other faiths or to destroy the Islamic government would naturally be considered as traitors and then dealt with as such.All knowledge is with Allah and for any mistakes I seek Allah's forgiveness and beg the pardon of anyone whom I may have offended in this writing.Again, may Allah reward you for your effort and accept from you and all of us, ameen. Salam alaykum, Yusuf Estes PS - Please include this link in the bottom of all your emails (and include this request for others to do the same, inshallah) -

Note #1: Regarding the "Oneness" (monotheism) of God in the Bible (even today's English translations): There are so many Biblical passages teaching God is only One and without any partners. This is a basic premise throughout the entire teaching of the Bible. The many explicit passages clearly declare this as a cardinal truth.Each of the following 27 passages explicitly teach that there is one — and only one — true and living God.

Please note that the King James Version (used here) designates the Hebrew name Jehovah (or Yahweh) with "LORD" spelled with all letters capitalized; Adonai, meaning "Lord" or "Master," is designated by "Lord;" and "Elohim," is translated as "God." Thus, in Duet. 4:35, for example, the phrase "the LORD he is God," would be literally translated, "Jehovah, he is Elohim." (In those instances were Adonai is used as a compound with Jehovah, the latter term is spelled GOD, so that the compound name "Lord GOD" designates the Hebrew, "Adonai Jehovah").1. DEUTERONOMY 4:35,39 — Unto thee it was shown, that thou mightiest know that the LORD he is God; there is none else beside him. (39) Know therefore this day, and consider it in thine heart, that the LORD he is God in heaven above, and upon the earth beneath: there is none else.2. DEUTERONOMY 6:4 — Hear, O Israel: The LORD thy God is one LORD. [Note in Mark 12:28-34 how Jesus and a Jewish scribe he encountered understood this text.]3. DEUTERONOMY 32:39 — See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god with me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand.4. 2 SAMUEL 7:22 — Wherefore thou art great, O LORD God; for there is none like thee, neither is there any God beside thee, according to all that we have heard with our ears.5. 1 KINGS 8:60 — That all the people of the earth may know that the LORD is God, and that there is none else.6. 2 KINGS 5:15 — And he returned to the man of God, he and all his company, and came, and stood before him: and he said, Behold, now I know that there is no God in all the earth, but in Israel; now therefore, I pray thee, take a blessing of thy servant.7. 2 KINGS 19:15 — And Hezekiah prayed before the LORD, and said, O LORD God of Israel, which dwells between the cherubims, thou art the God, even thou alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth; thou hast made heaven and earth.8. NEHEMIAH 9:6 — Thou, even thou, art LORD alone; thou has made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all their host, the earth, and all things that are therein, the seas, and all that is therein, and thou preserves them all; and the host of heaven worship thee.9. PSALM 18:31 — For who is God save the LORD? or who is a rock save our God?10. PSALM 86:10 — For thou art great, and doest wondrous things: thou art God alone.11. ISAIAH 37:16,20 — O LORD of hosts, God of Israel, that dwells between the cherubims, thou art the God, even thou alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth: thou has made heaven and earth. (20) Now therefore, O LORD our God, save us from his hand, that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that thou art the LORD, even thou only.12. ISAIAH 43:10,11 — Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me. I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is no savior.13. ISAIAH 44:6,8 — Thus saith the LORD the King of Israel, and his redeemer the LORD of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God. Fear ye not, neither be afraid; have not I told thee from that time, and have declared it? ye are even my witnesses.

Is there a God beside me? yea, there is no God; I know not any.14. ISAIAH 45:21 — Tell ye, and bring them near; yea, let them take counsel together: who hath declared this from ancient time: who hath told it from that time? have not I the LORD? and there is no God else beside me; a just God and a Savior; there is none beside me.15. ISAIAH 46:9 — For I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me.16. HOSEA 13:4 — Yet I am the LORD thy God from the land of Egypt, and thou shalt know no god but me; for there is no savior beside me.17. JOEL 2:27 — And ye shall know that I am in the midst of Israel, and that I am the LORD your God, and none else: and my people shall never be ashamed.18. ZECHARIAH 14:9 — And the LORD shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one Lord, and his name one.19. MARK 12:29-34 —And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord: And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. And the second is like, namely this, thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these. And the scribe said unto him, Well, Master, thou hast said the truth: for there is one God; and there is none other but he: And to love him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to love his neighbor as himself, is more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices. And when Jesus saw that he answered discreetly, he said unto him, Thou art not far from the kingdom of God. And no man after that durst ask him any question.20. JOHN 17:3 — And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.21. ROMANS 3:30 — Seeing it is one God, which shall justify the circumcision by faith, and uncircumcised through faith.22. 1 CORINTHIANS 8:4-6 — As concerning therefore the eating of those things that are offered in sacrifice unto idols, we know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is none other God but one. For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there be gods many, and lords many,) But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him.23. GALATIANS 3:20 — Now a mediator is not a mediator of one, but God is one.24. EPHESIANS 4:6 — One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.25. 1 TIMOTHY 1:17 — Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be Honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen.26. 1 TIMOTHY 2:5 — For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.27. JAMES 2:19 — Thou believes that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.

Note# 2. Dawah (inviting or calling to Islam) is prescribed in Quran as a duty to Muslims. It implies living an exemplary life and sharing the message of monotheism and obedience to Allah's Shar'ah with others. Muslims are ordered not to dispute with others about the matters, only to conduct dialogs in a way that is better.>

Note# 3. Vann says in a speech to his congregation on December 12, 2003:The story, known commonly of the rape of Dinah, is shocking. A few minutes ago, I read from the introduction of the story. Let me summarize the entire drama:Dinah goes out to visit her sisters in the land. Along the way, she encounters Shechem, who has intercourse with her. He then speaks tenderly to her, and falls in love with her. Shechem asks his father Hamor to get Dinah for him as a wife. Meanwhile, Jacob had heard that Shechem had defiled his daughter and was distressed, but as his sons were in the field, he decided to wait for them to come home before taking action.Hamor comes to speak with Jacob to ask for Dinah's bride price.

At this time, Dinah's brothers return home from the field. They were angry and distressed, for Shechem had committed an outrage in Israel by lying with Dinah. Jacob's sons refused to give Dinah to Shehem, because they were not circumcised. On the condition that all of Hamor's men become circumcised, could Dinah become Shechem's wife. Shechem immediately became circumcised, and shortly after that, all the men in the town also did the deed.On the third day after their circumcision, when they were in the most pain, Simeon and Levi took their swords and went to the town. They killed all the men while they were unable to defend themselves.

They seized the women, children and the property of Hamor and his men, and also took Dinah from Shechem's home. When Jacob heard what they had done, he said, “ You have brought trouble upon me, making me odious among the inhabitants of the land”. Simeon and Levi responded: “Should ours sister be treated like a whore?”< href=""> Sachs brings it even closer to home, in this explanation appropriately entitled, "The Rape of Dinah: Genesis 34"In the story, Shechem, the son of a local king falls in love with Dinah, daughter of Jacob, sleeps with her and asks his father to request her hand for him.

His father, King Hamor, paid a ceremonial visit to Jacob’s house, where he offered peaceful coexistent with the new immigrants,“Please let my son marry your daughter, and let us marry each other; give us from your daughters and take from ours. And the land shall for you to settle, to trade and to posses.” (Genesis 34:8)Shechem also made the customary and lawful offer: “Please let me pay the required Mohar (dowry) and marry your daughter”. (Genesis 34:12)Indeed, the only other mention of Mohar (Mahr in Arabic) in the whole Bible is in the story of Shechem and Dinah! It is as if the story was made to illustrate the concept of peaceful resolution to pre-marital sex. But before Jacob could accept or reject the Mohar, his sons jumped in, saying “we would like to take-up your offer, but you see, we have this custom called circumcision, and we could not possibly intermarry with people who are not circumcised. Now, if you and your entire male population were to circumcise, we would be glad to grant your wish”. Incredibly, Shechem promptly takes the request to his people and convinces them to circumcise. On the third day, as the newly circumcised people of Shechem are hurting, two of Dinah’s brothers, Simeon and Levy (yes, the archetype of organized-professional priesthood), swords in hands, massacred every male in the city of Shechem.

Note: #4 Although the word rape is never actually, mentioned in the story, it becomes the basis for the recounting of the story in Sunday schools culture. To make things worst, the girl’s words or thoughts are not reported in the story, testifying to the low level of relevance biblical- era Middle Eastern (and today’s Islamic) societies accord to their women. In the story, Shechem, the son of a local king falls in love with Dinah, daughter of Jacob, sleeps with her and asks his father to request her hand for him. His father, King Hamor, paid a ceremonial visit to Jacob’s house, where he offered peaceful coexistent with the new immigrants: “Please let my son marry your daughter, and let us marry each other; give us from your daughters and take from ours. And the land shall for you to settle, to trade and to posses.” (Genesis 34:8). Shechem also made the customary and lawful offer: “Please let me pay the required Mohar (dowry) and marry your daughter” (Genesis 34:12).

Whether the Law of Moses is divine or just a codification of local customs, it specifies that one must offer a Mohar after sleeping with an available woman, and then he must marry her. This is all described in Exodus 22:15, and is subject to acceptance by her father. (If he refuses, he will just take the money). Indeed, the only other mention of Mohar in the whole Bible is in the story of Shechem and Dinah! It is as if the story was made to illustrate the concept of peaceful resolution to pre-marital sex. But before Jacob could accept or reject the Mohar, his sons jumped in, saying “we would like to take-up your offer, but you see, we have this custom called circumcision, and we could not possibly intermarry with people who are not circumcised. Now, if you and your entire male population were to circumcise, we would be glad to grant your wish”. Incredibly, Shechem promptly takes the request to his people and convinces them to circumcise. On the third day, as the newly circumcised people of Shechem are hurting, two of Dinah’s brothers, Simeon and Levy (yes, the archetype of organized-professional priesthood), swords in hands, massacred every male in the city of Shechem.

Not only do they reduce the circumcision ritual to an act of macho-challenge, but they also call attention to the fact that the case of rape is really a case of prohibited seduction between two lovers who dare cross imaginary boundaries set by narrow-minded self-appointed spiritual leaders. To the chagrin of later date clergy, the Bible goes out of its way to tell us that Jacob’s son put forth the circumcision challenge with deception in mind! (Genesis 34:13) And the fact that they threatened to have Dinah removed from Shechem’s house during the negotiations (Genesis 34:17), implies that she was there as guest, not as a hostage! Jacob, who saw through the brother’s pretentious performance as defenders of the family honor, reproached his two sons: “you made me look ugly in front of the inhabitants. They are many and they could retaliate and finish me off!” (Genesis 34:30) Not one word about moral issues! And what is God’s position? Having nothing to do with moral behavior, He is smart enough to stay out of the story altogether.The impartiality of the storyteller proves once again that the integrity of the Bible is far greater than that of its characters, even if they are claimed to be our ancestors.

Note: #5 According to Raheeq Al-Makhtum (THE SEALED NECTAR) Author: Saifur Rahman al-Mubarakpuri, Jamia Salafia - India, translated by : Issam Diab: Judaism was introduced into Yemen by someone called As‘ad Abi Karb. He had gone to fight in Yathrib and there he embraced Judaism and then went back taking with him two rabbis from Bani Quraizah to instruct the people of Yemen in this new religion. Judaism found a fertile soil there to propagate and gain adherents. After his death, his son Yusuf Dhu Nawas rose to power, attacked the Christian community in Najran and ordered them to embrace Judaism. When they refused, he ordered that a pit of fire be dug and all the Christians indiscriminately be dropped to burn therein. Estimates say that between 20-40 thousand Christians were killed in that human massacre. < >

Note: #6: From Jamal Udeen Zarabozo's Article
Could God Legislate Death for Apostasy?
Many Christians, in particular, seem abhorred by the fact that Muslims could believe that God has legislated death for apostasy. This author has personally heard Christians claim, once again, that Islam must be some barbaric religion to believe in such a penalty. This attitude is very perplexing to this author. It is one thing to say, “We no longer believe in such a law” and quite another to say, “We do not believe in a God that would legislate such a penalty.” In the former case, the individual is simply turning his back on what may have been part of his religion. Such an approach is common for modernist Jews, Christians and Muslims. However, the latter approach clearly denies what is stated in their holy books. (Unfortunately, this is also not uncommon for modernists. However, many less-extreme Jews, Christians and Muslims do not allow themselves to go that far.)
An in-depth study of all of the relevant Biblical texts is well beyond what is needed here. Hence, only one or two verses shall be commented upon.[1]
Exodus 22:20 reads:
“He that sacrificeth unto any god, save unto the LORD only, he shall be utterly destroyed.” Famed and widely respected Biblical commentator Matthew Henry had the following to say about this verse:
IV. Idolatry is also made capital, v. 20. God having declared himself jealous in this matter, the civil powers must be jealous in it too, and utterly destroy those persons, families, and places of Israel, that worshipped any god, save the Lord: this law might have prevented the woeful apostasies of the Jewish nation in after times, if those that should have executed it had not been ringleaders in the breach of it.[2]
Numbers 25:1-5 reads:

1 And Israel abode in Shittim, and the people began to commit whoredom with the daughters of Moab. 2 And they called the people unto the sacrifices of their gods: and the people did eat, and bowed down to their gods. 3 And Israel joined himself unto Baal-peor: and the anger of the LORD was kindled against Israel. 4 And the LORD said unto Moses, Take all the heads of the people, and hang them up before the LORD against the sun, that the fierce anger of the LORD may be turned away from Israel. 5 And Moses said unto the judges of Israel, Slay ye every one his men that were joined unto Baal-peor.

Another passage, Deuteronomy 13:6-11 is also quite telling:
6 If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy bosom, or thy friend, which is as thine own soul, entice thee secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which thou hast not known, thou, nor thy fathers; 7 Namely, of the gods of the people which are round about you, nigh unto thee, or far off from thee, from the one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth; 8 Thou shalt not consent unto him, nor hearken unto him; neither shall thine eye pity him, neither shalt thou spare, neither shalt thou conceal him: 9 But thou shalt surely kill him; thine hand shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people. 10 And thou shalt stone him with stones, that he die; because he hath sought to thrust thee away from the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. 11 And all Israel shall hear, and fear, and shall do no more any such wickedness as this is among you.

2 Chronicles 15:8-19 has the law being applied even to the young among the apostates. The relevant verses in that passage are verses 12-13 which read,
12 And they entered into a covenant to seek the LORD God of their fathers with all their heart and with all their soul; 13 That whosoever would not seek the LORD God of Israel should be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman.
From the New Testament, one finds in Romans 1:20-32 that Paul approves of the death of idolaters, homosexuals and other sinners. This passage reads,
19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath showed it unto them. 20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: 21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, 23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and four footed beasts, and creeping things. 24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: 25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. 26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; 29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, 30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 Without understanding, covenant-breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: 32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

The above examples should be sufficient. The interested reader may further consult Deuteronomy 13:12-18 and Deuteronomy 17: 1-7.
Actually, as is well-known, the history of the official Christian church and many of its leaders on issues of this nature is very dark indeed. One did not need to be an apostate to be killed in the history of Christianity. Apostasy is to be distinguished from heresy, as is clear in the following passage from the Encyclopedia Britannica,

[Apostasy is] the total rejection of Christianity by a baptized person who, having at one time professed the faith, publicly rejects it. It is distinguished from heresy, which is limited to the rejection of one or more Christian doctrines by one who maintains an overall adherence to Jesus Christ.
Two examples from the history of Christianity dealing simply with heretics—not apostates—should suffice here. The Cathars, a pacifist heretical group of southern France, were crushed. Pope Innocent III declared a crusade against them. Here is how two Christian authors described part of that crusade:

In 1209, Arnold Amaury, abbot of Citeaux, called for the collective slaughter of all Cathars in the town of Beziers. His motto, which has carried forth into modern expression, stated, "Kill them all, the Lord knows those who are his." Only a small minority of the town, perhaps five hundred, was made up of Cathars, but all the city paid the price for guilt by association. Twenty thousand were killed. Thus began the wholesale slaughter of thousands of Cathars in the thirteenth century.[3]

Non-Catholics, of course, may respond to the above by putting the blood of those deeds on the hands of the evil Catholics. However, one should not forget Martin Luther’s ruling concerning the Anabaptists, another pacifist heretical group who had the audacity to have themselves re-baptized when adults.[4] Martin Luther stated that such heretics are not to be tolerated and the only fitting punishment for them was hanging.[5]

This approach is in compelling contrast to the legacy of Islam. Not long after the death of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), the caliph Ali had to face the crisis of the heretical group known as the Khawarij. Although he sent people to preach to them to correct their misunderstandings, his approach was that they were not to be physically attacked by the state as long as they did not commit any acts of violence against the Muslims. The Khawarij did become violent, and it became necessary for Ali to fight and defeat them. Afterwards, he was asked about them. He was asked if they were polytheists, and Ali replied that they, by holding the beliefs they held, were attempting to flee from falling into polytheism. When he was asked if they were hypocrites, he replied that hypocrites rarely remember and mention Allah. Finally, they asked him, “What are they?” He replied, “They are our brethren who revolted against us and we fought them only due to their revolting against us.”[6]

The author would like to thank Br. Hadi Hashmi for his research paper, “Verses dealing with the Death Penalty for the Apostate.”

Taken from The Bible Suite Collection (ValuSoft, 2006).

Ergun Mehmet Caner and Emir Fethi Caner, Christian Jihad (Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications, 2004), p. 183.

One can only wonder what Martin Luther would have to say about today’s “born again” Christians.

See Caner and Caner, p. 162.

Abu al-Fidaa Ismaaeel ibn Katheer, Al-Bidaayah wa al-Nihaayah (Beirut: Maktabah al-Maarif, n.d.), vol. 7, p. 290.